Home recent Domestic Enemies - Pre -Sale Begins Now
Home recent Domestic Enemies - Pre -Sale Begins Now

Domestic Enemies - Pre -Sale Begins Now

The David Horowitz Freedom Center is launching the pre-sale of my first book, 'Domestic Enemies: The Founding Fathers' Fight Against the Left'.

I call it a '1619 Project for the American Left', telling the untold story of the rise of the movement and how America's greatest leaders, from George Washington to Abraham Lincoln, faced down against it in the halls of power and even in street battles.

You can learn more about the book and other places to order it at Domestic-Enemies.com

It'll be out April 30, 2024, but you can order it right now from the Freedom Center store.

Some people may wonder if this the right time for a book about American history? Yes because history is repeating itself.

Everything we're dealing with has happened before. And America prevailed.

In 2020, history repeated itself. The Left exploited a pandemic and set off race riots to steal a presidential election. But these weren’t new strategies; they are as old as this country.

The Left has been plotting against America for over two centuries. And today’s radicals use the same tactics that their ancestors employed against the Founding Fathers.

Pandemics, stolen elections, race riots, fake news, globalism, terrorism, class warfare, inflationary spending, radical education, and socialism aren’t new problems.

A disease outbreak that depopulated entire cities allowed a traitor and a murderer to rig the 1800 presidential election with a flood of new voters.

Socialists seized power in Rhode Island and blocked the adoption of the Constitution.

Globalists and radicals used fake news to try to and bring down George Washington.

There were socialists in Congress 150 years before Alexandria Ocasio Cortez.

The Communist ‘communes’ of the 1820s abolished marriage and private property.

Democrats set off massive race riots during the Civil War to bring down President Lincoln.

‘Domestic Enemies’ reveals the secret history of the Left’s long war against America in a grand tour of the conspiracies, street fights, secret societies, debates, smear campaigns, naval engagements on the high seas, and urban firefights that shaped our nation’s history.

This is not just history. It’s our story today.

“Domestic Enemies” tells us how we got here. It shows us how the great men of our nation’s history took on the same challenges we face and how America prevailed against the Left.

This is their story. And that means it’s not just the story of our past, but also of our future.

If we learn from the past, we can defeat the Left again.

The Left isn’t a new threat. For over two centuries, America has confronted the radicals. We haven’t always won, but through all the political battles and street fights, we survived.

That’s why America is still standing.

We fought these battles before. We will fight them again. And we can win.

Domestic Enemies: The Founding Fathers' Fight Against the Left is available to order now. And it will be out on April 30, 2024.

“A concise and lucid account of the little-known, but extremely important history of today’s American Left—and why it was and is so dangerous.” Victor Davis Hanson


  1. Alexandra York27/5/24

    I blasted the following to my personal list:

    Dear Friends and colleagues—

    “Domestic Enemies” by Daniel Green is a must-read book--especially for Democrats—because the far left has again today taken over the Democrat party and is bent—with Barack Obama and his “transforming of America” well among the leaders who wish to destroy our republic. This take-over of the Democrat party is not new, and that is why the book is so important. Green details the riots, the conspiracies, the massive bloodshed, the looting, the murders, the payoffs, the hangings, the burnings, the brutal maiming and killing even of babies, the targeting killing of black Republicans, the stolen elections—all by the Democrat party--and more from the very time the Founding Fathers were writing the Constitution to Tammany Hall in New York and the butchery by the Ku Klux Klan on up to the end of the Civil War and Lincoln’s assassination. It also details the many foreign and American communists who established enclaves that promoted destruction of marriage, wanton sex, and indoctrination of children, the latter being practiced in high gear today. Anyone with eyes to see and ears to hear knows that America is at the tipping point now, so past allegiances need to be freshly examined and the state of our union honestly judged.

    Memorial Day is not about hot dogs and beer, it is a day to remember and honor those who died for our freedom (what’s left of it) today, and also to remember our own responsibility to fight for that freedom against those who endeavor hourly to destroy it. This book will open your eyes to the history of a political party that is carrying out its past destructive patterns so baldly today.

    Best wishes to all,

    Joe Biden’s Cabinet personnel and more:

    It's obvious to all Americans that Biden is NOT running the country.
    We heard Obama say after the Biden election---I want a direct phone line to the Whitehouse---he got it, and more.
    What I am sending today are the details that I didn't know.
    I've heard for years that Obama was the puppeteer to Biden, but I didn't have a clue how he made things happen.
    Today’s information is giant compared to what I perceived as a few guys sitting in a room making decisions.
    The Biden transition team, entirely appointed by Obama, also understood the axiom. With a few changes, they created the Biden administration by using all the senior officials of the Obama administration. They are still with us today, acting as Obama's third term as president.

    If you ‘do not’ take an interest in the affairs of your government, then you are doomed to live under the rule of fools.


    Alexandra York
    The Rational Romantic Author


    1. Hi Alexandra,

      Thank you so much for this wonderful and unexpected review. It's really great that you found it a meaningful read and connected it to Memorial Day. I really appreciate that.


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