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Bring DEI to the NBA

After the growing backlash to DEI, the Cleveland Cavaliers told NBC News that while other organizations may be moving on, the NBA team was sticking with the racist program. In 2023, Cavaliers CEO Nic Barlage vowed to tie DEI metrics to bonuses and make sure that DEI would be “organically woven within the DNA of your culture.” “It is just how we go about things,” said Kevin Clayton, the Cavs’ chief DEI officer, who, like most equity bureaucrats, is black, explained. “We believe that everybody in our organization, every person in our community, is part of our diversity, equity and inclusion story.” What does that actually mean? According to their DEI website, the Cavs promise that “our team members at all levels mirror the demographics of the communities that we live and work in.” The Cavs have 13 out of 17 black players making for a 76% black team in a half black city. 45.8% of Cleveland is black, 36% is white and 13% is Latino. To truly “mirror the demographics” of Cleveland, the Cavs ...


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Bring DEI to the NBA

After the growing backlash to DEI, the Cleveland Cavaliers told NBC News that while other organizations may be moving on, the NBA team was sticking with the racist program. In 2023, Cavaliers CEO Nic Barlage vowed to tie DEI metrics to bonuses and make sure that DEI would be “organically woven within the DNA of your culture.” “It is just how we go about things,” said Kevin Clayton, the Cavs’ chief DEI officer, who, like most equity bureaucrats, is black, explained. “We believe that everybody in our organization, every person in our community, is part of our diversity, equity and inclusion story.” What does that actually mean? According to their DEI website, the Cavs promise that “our team members at all levels mirror the demographics of the communities that we live and work in.” The Cavs have 13 out of 17 black players making for a 76% black team in a half black city. 45.8% of Cleveland is black, 36% is white and 13% is Latino. To truly “mirror the demographics” of Cleveland, the Cavs ...

Did Obama Send Missiles to Hezbollah?

Hezbollah, the Iran-backed Islamic terrorist group in control of Lebanon, used to boast that it was unbeatable because of its arsenal of over 100,000 missiles and rockets. That arsenal, which was severely depleted by Israel before the Biden imposed ceasefire, relied heavily on a large collection of anti-tank missiles that could also be used against civilian targets, shelters and even, in the case of a Hamas attack in 2011 with a Russian Kornet, a school bus. The TOW missile, originally developed in the 1960s, is a mainstay of the terrorist arsenal. Hezbollah’s TOW missiles come from a variety of sources. The United States sold TOWs to the old Iranian government and after the Islamic takeover, the new regime cranked out copies called ‘Toophans’ which its Islamic terrorist networks have distributed to Jihadists around the region. The Obama administration had also handed out TOW missiles like candy to Sunni Jihadists across the border during the Syrian civil war. Some of these were captur...

The Holocaust Didn’t Really Change Anything

Philosophers, writers and thinkers insisted that the Holocaust was an inflection point in history, but it’s clearer now than ever before that it did not change history, it only accelerated it. Israel was not, as politicians all too often insist, “born out of the ashes of the Holocaust.” It was born out of the blood, sweat and determination of a relatively small group of Zionists who defied the traditionalists and leftists in their own communities to go and rebuild their own homeland. Liberal Jews have made “If you will it, it is no dream” into an airy cliche when it was actually meant as a hard wake up call to a European Jewry that had spent too long living in dreams. Even after the Holocaust brought an iron end to many of those dreams, they still linger on. Nor did the Holocaust secure political support for Israel. How could it when it did not even secure the ability of European Jews to flee to America or even to their homeland in Israel? The politicians and nations who voted at the ...

Ex-Illegal Alien Senator Suspected of Bribery Leads California’s Insurance

The Los Angeles wildfires estimates have hit $40 billion and may continue to rise. These are four times the losses of the most recent destructive fires and that is likely to convince even more insurance companies to leave the state and make homeowners even more uninsurable. The exodus of insurance companies led to a 123% increase in the number of California homeowners relying on the state’s FAIR Plan. The FAIR Plan, a government gimmick that seemed good at the time, has $458 billion in total exposure and $4.8 billion in exposure from the current fires, but only has $377 million to cover claims. Once that’s exhausted, the state is likely to hit up insurance companies and homeowners to make up the difference. With mudslides expected to arrive after the rains, the chain of disasters may just be getting underway. While the state’s worst insurance crisis was going on, Sen. Susan Rubio, the former chair of the Senate Insurance Committee, was fighting for illegal aliens while under suspicion ...

Sanctuary Cities Were Always Anti-American

New York City, Chicago and Boston are among the sanctuary cities collapsing after waves of migrants stormed across the open borders. Even cities that once boasted of providing sanctuary to illegal aliens from federal immigration enforcement are now running away from the name. Sanctuary cities were always intended to be destructive. They were not, as many Democrats now wrongly claim, about providing safe harbor to refugees, but about bringing down America. The sanctuary cities did not emerge in response to the Holocaust, the Rwandan genocide or any actual genocide, but to provide support and sanctuary for Marxists fleeing the civil wars they had started in Latin America, and then later for Islamic terrorists after September 11. Sanctuary cities were not about helping refugees, but about harboring America’s enemies. The sanctuary city movement emerged in the first years of the Reagan administration as Quakers, Catholic Liberation Theology and other leftist churches allied with the Soviet...

Hamas Deal Puts U.S. Boots on the Ground

American soldiers are on the ground in Gaza. They’re not there to fight Islamic terrorists, but to secure the disastrous Biden deal that saved Hamas by monitoring and inspecting the Gazans traveling across the ‘Netzarim corridor’. One of the companies is UG Solutions founded by a former Special Forces veteran which hires US military vets to provide security. Hiring veterans as contractors became a common practice during the War on Terror because it allowed politicians to avoid accountability for US casualties. Hundreds of Americans were killed working as contractors in Iraq including, in one of the most infamous incidents in the war, when four ex-Special Forces contractors working for Blackwater had their bodies dragged through the streets, were beaten, hacked and hung from a bridge while the Arab Muslim mobs of men, women and children cheered. The scene played out again in Benghazi when two former Navy SEALS working as CIA contractors were murdered. How soon until it plays out in Gaza...

The Koch Appeasers Taking Over Trump’s Defense Department

“As of today, the incoming Trump Administration has hired over 1,000 people,” President Trump tweeted. “It would be helpful if you would not send, or recommend to us people who worked with, or are endorsed by, Americans for No Prosperity (headed by Charles Koch)” along with a long list of others. But by then it was already too late. The Kochers were already on the inside. Dan Caldwell, listed as a lobbyist by Americans for Prosperity who worked for a number of Koch network groups, has been staffing up the Department of Defense with ‘Kochlings’. The ‘Kochlings’ are members of the vast Koch network that includes Stand Together, currently the parent group of Americans for Prosperity, where Caldwell served as the Vice President of Foreign Policy. At Stand Together, Caldwell had followed the Koch appeasement line by warning that “U.S. leaders should avoid overinflating the threat posed by China. Indeed, China has its own domestic and international constraints that may hinder its rise. Acc...

California Dems Fight Trump While State Burns

As President Trump took office, top California Democrats lined up by the Capitol building in Sacramento to form a healing circle. Not healing for those killed in the fires burning up parts of Southern California, or those who had lost family members, homes and prized possessions, but to protest Trump taking office. Surrounded by flickering candles arranged on the steps and piled on the podium, the lawmakers, despite their promise to form a ‘healing circle’, stood in more of the traditional press conference line, and vowed to protect illegal aliens from the Trump administration. The candles were not there to mourn the dead, but to mourn the results of the 2024 election. Meanwhile a new fire had broken out which quickly consumed 8,000 acres. That was followed by another fire which forced thousands more to flee their homes. But such concerns were entirely distant from the ‘healing circle’ where none of the wildfire victims could be heard. “Now more than ever, we must come together to or...

The Disappearance of Male Authors

Standing in line at a Target, I glanced at the books for sale. Every work of fiction, with the exception of those two elderly stalwarts, James Patterson and Stephen King, came from a female author. While older male writers still have a large presence on bestseller lists and in the book world, newly published male fiction authors have become rarer than blue moons. This phenomenon reported on in stories like NPR’s “Women Now Dominate the Book Business” and “Women Are Now Publishing More Books Than Men” (which describe it as a sign of progress) helps shed light on another phenomenon that the media has been rubbing its head over in articles like The Atlantic’s “How Gen Z Came to See Books as a Waste of Time” and Psychology Today’s “Why Aren’t College Students Reading?” There is a generational decline in reading across Gen Z, but it’s also a gender divide. While there’s always been a gender reading gap, by 2018, 44% of girls loved to read, while only 24% of boys did. One study found that a...

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