The Saudis have unveiled a plan to define Mecca as the center of the world by building a giant clock tower in Mecca. The Bin Laden group's Royal Mecca Clock Tower which reads "In the Name of Allah", aims to replace GMT time, with "Mecca Time". The Royal Mecca Clock Tower, which looks like something you expect to pass on the way to Disneyland, like Dubai's Burj Tower, or its world islands are pathetic attempts to buy the facade of civilization with petrodollars.
The Royal Mecca Clock Tower is emblematic of the inability of the Muslim world to do the hard work of actually becoming civilized. Instead they build Pharaoh-like monuments to their own glory using imported slave labor. And they finance all that using money given to them by civilized countries in exchange for a particular resource that happens to be located on their territory. A resource that was discovered and developed for them by companies belonging to civilized countries.
The barbaric thinking behind the Royal Mecca Clock Tower is that if they build a really big clock tower, it will become a global standard and the infidels will acknowledge the Koran's Islamic science "zero magnetism zone" claims for Mecca. That sort of thinking demonstrates a basic incomprehension of how civilization works. It shows no understanding of why Greenwich Mean Time serves the function that it does, which isn't because England spent money given to it by more civilized countries to build a really big ugly tower that impressed everyone.
This same kind of ignorance lies behind Dubai's frenzied construction projects, in which modern skyscrapers are plunked down in the middle of a backward country. Where Western skyscrapers were the natural product of expanding economic and technological frontiers, Muslim skyscrapers are desperate attempts to buy superiority. A product of the same need to be superior to the infidels, that caused Islamic law to ban synagogues and churches from being taller than mosques. And now that they have the money, Muslim rulers are determined to build bigger buildings than the Empire State Building or the Sears Tower, or the World Trade Center, which they destroyed.
9/11 was at its heart motivated by that same bigoted need to suppress the infidels, that drive the Saudi, Malaysian and UAE construction projects. That same drive is behind the Ground Zero mosque. It is the combination of an inferiority complex and a hatred for non-Muslims, that same combination which causes the left and some on the far-right to urge us to feel ashamed of how badly we must be treating Muslims, for them to feel that way. But the reason that Muslims feel this way is because they cannot accept non-Muslims as equals. It was the reason why they banned synagogues and churches from being taller than mosques. It is why non-Muslims are still not allowed into Mecca.
Bigotry drives Muslims to prove that non-Muslims are inferior. When Jews or Christians or Hindus demonstrate that they are not inferior, the reaction is furious as Muslims strive to prove that the infidels are beneath them after all. This motivates everything from the frenzied Muslim campaign against Israel, to the pathetic need to promote the wonders of "Islamic Science", from Al Queda's terrorism, to the Saudi financed Islamization of Europe. All that energy directed into showing non-Muslims their proper place.
Imagine the KKK with hundreds of billions of dollars, running entire countries and commanding over a billion followers. That is what the Muslim world looks like today. Incredible wealth in the service of incredible bigotry. And all of it fueled into an unending obsession with returning their Dhimmi slaves back to their former status. Seen from that vantage point, their terrorist attacks are crosses burned on the lawn of the civilized world, a warning to mind their proper place, which is under Muslim rule. Their ambition to import Sharia law into the West is an attempt to restore slavery through a legal system under which non-Muslims are inferior to Muslims.
Islam's inferiority complex is as pathetic and dangerous as that of the Nazis, whose parades and showy construction projects aspired to an imaginary Aryan superiority, in order to compensate for the outcome of WW1. The showplaces of Dubai are the Muslim world's 1936 Berlin Olympic games, an attempt by brutal dictatorships to show off how much has been accomplished under their rule. But those games which attempted to non-violently demonstrate Nazi superiority, would culminate in WW2, a violent attempt to demonstrate the same thing. Similarly Saudi Arabia and the UAE's construction projects are one face of a two-faced campaign to prove Islamic superiority. The other face leers with hate. It detonates bombs in major cities. It beheads innocent people. It murders non-Muslims to remind them of their place. And the money for it comes from the same cities where those towers are being built.
In the 1930's, civilized people had trouble believing that the same Nazis who ran Berlin, were the same ones carrying out brutal murders and battening on the corpses. Similarly the West has a great deal of trouble believing that the Gulf royals are the same people who dispatch suicide bombers to murder Americans, Israelis and Australians. But the Nazis were really cheap murderous thugs, fueled by vicious insecurities and a lust for power. The Gulf elite are jumped up barbarian chieftains who are playing a 6th century game, using 21st century tools. They know exactly where their money and power comes from, and they are driven to control that tap, before it gets shut off. And their best weapon is Islam, a billion men and women who more or less believe that their religion gives them the right to kill non-Muslims in order to create a kingdom of heaven under Islamic law.
The Royal Mecca Clock Tower may be tacky and pathetic, Disneyland architecture plopped down in the middle of sand and dirt, but it represents something uglier in the Muslim psyche. All those minarets and skyscrapers play the same role that a mid-life crisis Porsche does. They are attempts to buy something they can't have. All the skyscrapers in the world can't give them civilization, and the tragedy is that they don't understand that. The billions being lavished on building towers, as Saddam built his palaces, represents wasted energy and resources by people whose only real asset is a non-renewable resource currently in demand in civilized countries.
Building a tall tower for self-glorification is not what makes a civilization great. That is a project of the Ozymandias Construction Company. Nor does it make anyone else inferior. Building towers with borrowed technology using slave labor is not an act of greatness, but of barbarism. Trying to do it in order to have the world affirm the delusions and superstitions of a book supposedly dictated by an illiterate 7th century warlord, is a whole other level of barbaric backwardness. Doing all this in order to make yourself feel superior to non-Muslims is so irredeemably backward that it is positively hopeless. It misses the point of civilization as thoroughly as possible, viewing the tools and techniques of the modern world only as means of putting everyone who doesn't follow their 7th century warlord back in their place.
When the hour finally strikes for Saudi Arabia and the UAE, what will remain behind except ruins and fat savages squatting in the sand who can't do anything for themselves without their Filipina maids? World-changing ideas, great works of art and literature, new technologies and scientific discoveries-- of course not. Only the ruins of people who never progressed beyond a 6th century civilization, and when the day comes will be happy to return to it, away from the complexity and clamor introduced into their lives by the civilized world.
The towers of Mecca, Ridyah and Dubai will fall. The sands will sweep in and cover it all. As the vast sands have covered the ruins of many ancient cities in the desert. And none will remember what stood here or why. Only relics. Scraps of metal and plastic. And records in more civilized countries will recall the time they traded with them. When they bought oil and shipped goods to sheikdoms and kingdoms that could have aspired to civilization, but instead chose to spread misery and oppression, while building towers dedicated to their own greatness. They could have learned to be civilized, but they never saw the point.
The Royal Mecca Clock Tower is emblematic of the inability of the Muslim world to do the hard work of actually becoming civilized. Instead they build Pharaoh-like monuments to their own glory using imported slave labor. And they finance all that using money given to them by civilized countries in exchange for a particular resource that happens to be located on their territory. A resource that was discovered and developed for them by companies belonging to civilized countries.
The barbaric thinking behind the Royal Mecca Clock Tower is that if they build a really big clock tower, it will become a global standard and the infidels will acknowledge the Koran's Islamic science "zero magnetism zone" claims for Mecca. That sort of thinking demonstrates a basic incomprehension of how civilization works. It shows no understanding of why Greenwich Mean Time serves the function that it does, which isn't because England spent money given to it by more civilized countries to build a really big ugly tower that impressed everyone.
This same kind of ignorance lies behind Dubai's frenzied construction projects, in which modern skyscrapers are plunked down in the middle of a backward country. Where Western skyscrapers were the natural product of expanding economic and technological frontiers, Muslim skyscrapers are desperate attempts to buy superiority. A product of the same need to be superior to the infidels, that caused Islamic law to ban synagogues and churches from being taller than mosques. And now that they have the money, Muslim rulers are determined to build bigger buildings than the Empire State Building or the Sears Tower, or the World Trade Center, which they destroyed.
9/11 was at its heart motivated by that same bigoted need to suppress the infidels, that drive the Saudi, Malaysian and UAE construction projects. That same drive is behind the Ground Zero mosque. It is the combination of an inferiority complex and a hatred for non-Muslims, that same combination which causes the left and some on the far-right to urge us to feel ashamed of how badly we must be treating Muslims, for them to feel that way. But the reason that Muslims feel this way is because they cannot accept non-Muslims as equals. It was the reason why they banned synagogues and churches from being taller than mosques. It is why non-Muslims are still not allowed into Mecca.
Bigotry drives Muslims to prove that non-Muslims are inferior. When Jews or Christians or Hindus demonstrate that they are not inferior, the reaction is furious as Muslims strive to prove that the infidels are beneath them after all. This motivates everything from the frenzied Muslim campaign against Israel, to the pathetic need to promote the wonders of "Islamic Science", from Al Queda's terrorism, to the Saudi financed Islamization of Europe. All that energy directed into showing non-Muslims their proper place.
Imagine the KKK with hundreds of billions of dollars, running entire countries and commanding over a billion followers. That is what the Muslim world looks like today. Incredible wealth in the service of incredible bigotry. And all of it fueled into an unending obsession with returning their Dhimmi slaves back to their former status. Seen from that vantage point, their terrorist attacks are crosses burned on the lawn of the civilized world, a warning to mind their proper place, which is under Muslim rule. Their ambition to import Sharia law into the West is an attempt to restore slavery through a legal system under which non-Muslims are inferior to Muslims.
Islam's inferiority complex is as pathetic and dangerous as that of the Nazis, whose parades and showy construction projects aspired to an imaginary Aryan superiority, in order to compensate for the outcome of WW1. The showplaces of Dubai are the Muslim world's 1936 Berlin Olympic games, an attempt by brutal dictatorships to show off how much has been accomplished under their rule. But those games which attempted to non-violently demonstrate Nazi superiority, would culminate in WW2, a violent attempt to demonstrate the same thing. Similarly Saudi Arabia and the UAE's construction projects are one face of a two-faced campaign to prove Islamic superiority. The other face leers with hate. It detonates bombs in major cities. It beheads innocent people. It murders non-Muslims to remind them of their place. And the money for it comes from the same cities where those towers are being built.
In the 1930's, civilized people had trouble believing that the same Nazis who ran Berlin, were the same ones carrying out brutal murders and battening on the corpses. Similarly the West has a great deal of trouble believing that the Gulf royals are the same people who dispatch suicide bombers to murder Americans, Israelis and Australians. But the Nazis were really cheap murderous thugs, fueled by vicious insecurities and a lust for power. The Gulf elite are jumped up barbarian chieftains who are playing a 6th century game, using 21st century tools. They know exactly where their money and power comes from, and they are driven to control that tap, before it gets shut off. And their best weapon is Islam, a billion men and women who more or less believe that their religion gives them the right to kill non-Muslims in order to create a kingdom of heaven under Islamic law.
The Royal Mecca Clock Tower may be tacky and pathetic, Disneyland architecture plopped down in the middle of sand and dirt, but it represents something uglier in the Muslim psyche. All those minarets and skyscrapers play the same role that a mid-life crisis Porsche does. They are attempts to buy something they can't have. All the skyscrapers in the world can't give them civilization, and the tragedy is that they don't understand that. The billions being lavished on building towers, as Saddam built his palaces, represents wasted energy and resources by people whose only real asset is a non-renewable resource currently in demand in civilized countries.

When the hour finally strikes for Saudi Arabia and the UAE, what will remain behind except ruins and fat savages squatting in the sand who can't do anything for themselves without their Filipina maids? World-changing ideas, great works of art and literature, new technologies and scientific discoveries-- of course not. Only the ruins of people who never progressed beyond a 6th century civilization, and when the day comes will be happy to return to it, away from the complexity and clamor introduced into their lives by the civilized world.
The towers of Mecca, Ridyah and Dubai will fall. The sands will sweep in and cover it all. As the vast sands have covered the ruins of many ancient cities in the desert. And none will remember what stood here or why. Only relics. Scraps of metal and plastic. And records in more civilized countries will recall the time they traded with them. When they bought oil and shipped goods to sheikdoms and kingdoms that could have aspired to civilization, but instead chose to spread misery and oppression, while building towers dedicated to their own greatness. They could have learned to be civilized, but they never saw the point.
The horns on top of the clock are the symbol of the moon god "Sin".
ReplyDeleteThis has been worshiped since ancient times.
"Sin - His name meant lord of knowledge and it was he who governed the passing of the months through his waxing and waning. ... The unvarying lunar cycle gave Sin a special connection with order and wisdom and with immortality. The status of Sin was so great that from 1900 BC to 900 BC his name is witness to the forging of international treaties as the guarantor of the word of kings."
"Sin.—The moon-god occupied the chief place in the astral triad. Its other two members, Shamash the sun and Ishtar the planet Venus, were his children. Thus it was, in effect, from the night that light had emerged....In his physical aspect Sin—who was venerated at Ur under the name of Nannar—was an old man with along beard the color of lapis-lazuli. He normally wore a turban. Every evening he got into his barque—which to mortals appeared in the form of a brilliant crescent moon—and navigated the vast spaces of the nocturnal sky. Some people, however, believed that the luminous crescent was Sin’s weapon. But one day the crescent gave way to a disk which stood out in the sky like a gleaming crown. There could be no doubt that this was the god’s own crown; and then Sin was called "Lord of the Diadem". These successive and regular transformations lent Sin a certain mystery. For this reason he was considered to be ‘He whose deep heart no god can penetrate’... Sin was also full of wisdom. At the end of every month the gods came to consult them and he made decisions for them...His wife was Ningal, ‘the great Lady’. He was the father not only of Shamash and Ishtar but also of a son Nusku, the god fire." (Larousse Encyclopedia of Mythology, 1960, p 54-56)
"Sin's supreme character passed in later times to his female counterpart, who finally replaced him. When the female aspect of the lunar deity came to displace the male, the wife of the moon-god became identified with the moon itself, while the goddess Ishtar maintained her association with the planet Venus. This identification is symbolically represented by the lunar crescent, enclosing the star within its horns, which is still the crest of Islam" (Briffault v3 78).
ReplyDeleteso Islam killed off its female deity and left the male, that certainly explains a lot
Spot on and beautifully written.
ReplyDeleteYour blog is daily mandatory reading for me.
You always write with remarkable insight and clarity but there are moments in your writing (eg the 3rd to last paragraph in this wonderful atricle) that are positively inspired. It's amazing how a huge hammer whacking the head of a large nail with such precision can sound so beautiful and fill one with such happiness!
Thank you, thank you, thank you.
Before the House of Sod turns to dust and the fat saudies are crawling on the sand looking for scraps of pita bread, plenty of Jewish, Christian, British and Danish doctors and nurses will volunteer to help them get back on their feet. It is the Jewish and Christian thing to do.
ReplyDeleteNo offense for your erudition, Lemon, but, bewildered and bothered by this display -yet not bewitched- I feel like making a lemonade!
ReplyDeleteCrystal K.
Yes it does.
ReplyDeleteMy first impression of the Mecca clock tower--Big Ben goes to Mecca.
Thank you Ken, I thought it was a good way to cut to the chase of what's behind all this
ReplyDeleteP.S. to my previous comment :
ReplyDeleteHaving said that ...
The right words fail me to praise Sultan Knish the way he deserves it.
When I assume that all that matters in relation to one subject - like islam - has been
dealt by him thoroughly, examined in each of its aspects and exposed in his beautiful, unique style
... so that apparently nothing more could be said and any addition would be a repetition ...
there he strikes us with one more insight, one more awesome essay, like this one.
He's one of the rare human beings truly blessed by God. And thank you, Ted Belman, for
introducing us to him in your Israpundit.
Crystal K.
Hello Daniel, well done. However, I find it interesting that while you cut to the chase to what's behind it all, you don't go far enough. Everything you have described here has not originated with Islam. It is Satan, the god of this world, whose insane aspiration to "be like the Most High G-d" has brought him to do exactly as you have described here. Building his kingdom, with the borrowed technology of G-d, using humans as slave labour, he truly believes he can rise to his place as king of the universe. Is it any wonder his ways are so perfectly mirrored by the ones who worship him as Sin, the moon god (as Lemon so succinctly put it)? Such an ironic name, really. What he wants is something he cannot ever have, to be worshiped by G-d. Yet everything he has ever had has been given to him by G-d. He is a created being. Read Isaiah 14 and Ezekiel 11 to get the picture.
ReplyDeleteLemon, on a side note, have you ever noticed how well the star and crescent fit into the Roman Catholic Church as well? Check this out - it's nine feet tall.
Do a search on the symbolism of Catholicism and Islam to get an idea of how much they are connected.
I couldn't resist the joke, sorry Lemon! What you wrote is interesting,
ReplyDeleteand we get to learn one more act of unholy plagiarism from islam, here in relation to
an ancient moon-god Sumerian mythology (1900 to 900BC!), the kind of blasphemous misappropriation that islam did also in relation to Judaism, like
hijacking its prophets, and to Christianism too -the hijacking of Jesus... etc.
Quoting : " ...The status of Sin was so great that from 1900 BC to 900 BC his name
is witness to the forging of international treaties as the guarantor of the word of kings."
So Sumerian and Babylonian mythology had some values our western civilization shares.
With Islam, no sharing. International treaties have no value whatsoever, no garantee
('of the kings') of the word, only a kind of temporary 'truce' in view of their re-armament
till next attack. The sharia's deceit, the taqyia to be applied to all infidels... etc, etc,
as Quran demands to all muslims. Moderation is also a concept western world
erroneously apply to Islam. They haven't a clue because it doesn't even exist
in their dictionnary -like democracy. (and even if existed, the great majority
couldn't read it, hence the Imam's preaching in mosquees is fundamental to update
their submission. Wherever (the still feared cry) 'the Moors!' set foot, they destroyed also culture and human evolution. When we say 'honor killings' again we use a tainted 'honor' concept.
It took centuries, to Sicily, Sardinia ...the south in general and not only, to
(nearly) get rid of it : only the new generations. Also Mafia's roots and its legacy,
much of History must be re-written, and by politically incorrect authors.
Sandylion, to a Jew there is no difference between Catholicsim and Evangelism.
ReplyDeleteYou Evangelists and Southern Baptists, try to convince us that Islam and Catholicsm are related in an attempt to sell your own theology to us.
Please don't proselytise at Jewish sites. It's offensive when Christian Zionists try to exploit this, and use it as an opportunity to "convince" us that your theology and ours is the same. Your deity is not ours, both you and Catholics believe jesus is god (chav) and that is what CUFI is hiding behind to win friends to make Israel conducive to the Bible.
Not to argue theology. Hashem is the G-d of this world:)
ReplyDeleteEvil is committed by evil people. They have a choice. I don't believe in satan in the xtian sense.
It's interesting. As Europe becomes more Islamic, the Big Ben type clock tower will be in Mecca. There's something really odd going on.
ReplyDeleteYes most religions today harbor many if not all of the ancient beliefs in one form or another.
"That sort of thinking demonstrates a basic incomprehension of how civilization works."
ReplyDeleteCan we transcend or truly conquer something we don't understand? I think not. One can destroy something not understood but transcend it?
No, so they are doomed to fail, the best they can do (but only with our cooperation through denial of the actual threat) is ensure that Wretchard's Three Conjectures comes to pass.
Which ultimately, may be the point. (better to rule in hell, than serve in heaven)
You state Daniel that, "It is the combination of an inferiority complex and a hatred for non-Muslims, ...the reason that Muslims feel this way is because they cannot accept non-Muslims as equals"
I would suggest that their inferiority complex stems from a subconscious intuition of, or the natural 'conscience' that all human beings possess, that what they advocate is evil, that they are serving a "definition of God" that is evil. Which of course is Lucifer/Satan or the 'opposite' of the nature of the divine.
The world's Muslims have to know in their heart of hearts...(as a man knoweth in his heart) that their "unending obsession" with supposedly fulfilling God's purpose, through the sword, and forced conversion and submission of the 'infidel' are not the demands of a 'loving father' and so cannot be true.
In fact, it is precisely because they in their hearts know this, that their denial of the truth runs so deep. Because if they were to reflect upon the very idea that their actions actually support Satan, then they would be lost and bereft of all hope, knowing that the very thing they purport to be against is what they support.
Were they to face the truth, it would be an act of psychological suicide, so because they "can't handle the truth" they twist it into hate and attack the infidel, whose very existence is the 'evidence', which exposes their self-deception.
That is I believe, why they must destroy the infidel's self-esteem because as long as there are self-confident infidels, their self-deception is vulnerable to exposure.
And that is why ultimately, they must lose because the night is always followed by the light of day and, the light exposes all that is false.
Ironically, it's not their unwillingness to face the truth, which condemns them but their willingness to harm others, so as to not have to face the truth, which makes them Satan's minions.
"That sort of thinking demonstrates a basic incomprehension of how civilization works."
ReplyDeleteCan we transcend or truly conquer something we don't understand? I think not. One can destroy something not understood but transcend it?
No, so they are doomed to fail, the best they can do (but only with our cooperation through denial of the actual threat) is ensure that Wretchard's Three Conjectures comes to pass.
Which ultimately, may be the point. (better to rule in hell, than serve in heaven)
To finish my comment:
ReplyDeleteYou state Daniel that, "It is the combination of an inferiority complex and a hatred for non-Muslims, ...the reason that Muslims feel this way is because they cannot accept non-Muslims as equals"
I would suggest that their inferiority complex stems from a subconscious intuition of, or the natural 'conscience' that all human beings possess, that what they advocate is evil, that they are serving a "definition of God" that is evil. Which of course is Lucifer/Satan or the 'opposite' of the nature of the divine.
The world's Muslims have to know in their heart of hearts...(as a man knoweth in his heart) that their "unending obsession" with supposedly fulfilling God's purpose, through the sword, and forced conversion and submission of the 'infidel' are not the demands of a 'loving father' and so cannot be true.
In fact, it is precisely because they in their hearts know this, that their denial of the truth runs so deep. Because if they were to reflect upon the very idea that their actions actually support Satan, then they would be lost and bereft of all hope, knowing that the very thing they purport to be against is what they support.
Were they to face the truth, it would be an act of psychological suicide, so because they "can't handle the truth" they twist it into hate and attack the infidel, whose very existence is the 'evidence', which exposes their self-deception.
That is I believe, why they must destroy the infidel's self-esteem because as long as there are self-confident infidels, their self-deception is vulnerable to exposure.
And that is why ultimately, they must lose because the night is always followed by the light of day and, the light exposes all that is false.
Ironically, it's not their unwillingness to face the truth, which condemns them but their willingness to harm others, so as to not have to face the truth, which makes them Satan's minions.
My apologies to Shlomo, proselytizing is not my intent. Not at all. Just adding my .02 to a very amazing discussion. Thank you for your thoughts also. I'm just so amazed at Daniel's marvelous way of putting these crazy things into perspective.
ReplyDeleteThank you Crystal and Sandy,
ReplyDeletemy area is politics, not theology. The problem we face is one of human evil. And it can be fought in spiritual ways, but it must be fought in more direct ways as well.
Geoff Briten
ReplyDelete"unending obsession" with supposedly fulfilling God's purpose, through the sword, and forced conversion and submission of the 'infidel' are not the demands of a 'loving father' and so cannot be true."
The same can be said for Christiantiy, who has killed more of us than any other religion.
As i said to Sandy, keep your religion to yourselves. Your "father" is not ours, and Satan doesn't exist.
Yes, Kelia don't be surprised about Mecca Clock.
ReplyDeleteDon't be surprised if you see the Queen of England in a Burka one day. It's only a matter of time.
Shlomo is just a pain in the butt Sandylion.
ReplyDeleteTheir politic is a religion, and whilst people do get heated about politics they don't get crazy about it like religious zealots. I am no theologian and not religious,altho I have read everyone's holy books, just to understand where you're all coming from and Islam does sound like Daniel's beast which is diverse from all other kingdoms (it invents nothing but just steals, it doesn't extol life, but kills) it's dreadful and breaks to pieces the culture it invades and 'stamps upon the residue' with its feet. It is devouring the whole earth, treads it down and breaks it killing people of the Book as it is 'holy writ' ordained by alah. Just like Jeroboam and Catholicism it thinks to change times and laws.
ReplyDeleteAnd it hates wine, as it's a sign of joy - it lacks spirit which has a female gender, and that's precisely why, I suspect. kb
Satan does exist within Judaism. See the book of Iyov.
ReplyDeleteAnd this is really not the topic or place for a theological debate.
Thank you.
There is a belief among Muslims that two of the mountains around Mecca are made of solid gold and that when the oil runs out Allah will reveal the golden mountains.
ReplyDeleteSorry Daniel. I meant it in the Christian sense that they're talking about. Satan in Judaism is not like they believe, all powerful, he doesn't exist. Maybe you should put a "no proselytising" rule so people know they cannot preach Jesus or Evangelism being better than Catholicism, here whenever they get a chance. These are tricks that missionaries use in an effort to sell their theology to us. They exploit our legitimate struggle.
ReplyDeleteFortunate Bess, I wouldn't need to be a pain in the ass, if only they kept their theology to themselves and use their "support" as an excuse to proselytise.
The horns on top of the tower remind me of the horns on Sauron's tower, which enclose the evil eye.
ReplyDeleteIn Lord of the Rings, there was no safety from Sauron and his army of Orcs, no modus vivendi, or 'live and let live', other then the expulsion of Sauron from Middle Earth. Only then could the Shires realise safety and peace.
I really enjoy reading your articles.
ReplyDeleteYou are right on the point.
Is that rendering an "official" one? (The link just says it's a mockup, not who produced it.) It looks like a Las Vegas casino-hotel. Also: interesting that the clock uses Roman numerals rather than the "Arabic" ones.
I for one am not interested in a theological debate, nor did I intend for my comment to be a subtle attempt at proselytizing. Personally, I belong to no organized religion, so I wasn't advocating for any dogma and will respect the wishes of Daniel to keep religious references to a minimum in the future.
ReplyDeleteI would point out that I don't think it's really possible to discuss Islamic terrorism comprehensively or combat it effectively without looking at the spiritual/theological underpinnings of the religion/ideology.
The double entry of my comment was due to a glitch in the software, after submitting the comment the first time a message appeared telling me the comment was too long for acceptance, so I resubmitted it in two sections and then discovered the double entry after it had accepted the second submission.
Perhaps that triggered Schlomo's perception that my actual purpose was to proselytize.
My purpose in mentioning a 'loving father' in the context I choose was to demonstrate the internal contradiction between a "vengeful Allah" and Islamic reverence for Jesus, an honored prophet in their tradition. Both cannot logically be true, as a loving father is not vengeful.
ReplyDeleteyes it does seem fairly similar. I should do a photoshop
ReplyDeletea real one seems to be here
For the record, I don't believe anyone was proselytizing here, as I don't post such comments.
ReplyDeleteBut considering the different religions here, theological discussions can't go any place useful. We're all part of a united front in a common struggle. That's the important thing.
and here it is with a little extra Captain Hook thrown in
ReplyDeleteAs I've said before, this isn't the place for theological debates. I don't allow actual proselytizing here, and neither do I allow baseless attacks on other commenters.
This has really gone far enough, and I won't be posing any more theological arguments.
This blog believes that despite our theological differences, we share a common enemy and face a common struggle.
ReplyDeleteThats great.
ReplyDeleteI hope you use the photoshop of the Tower, if an opportunity presents itself.
I suppose it could illustrate any story about Islam
ReplyDeleteThis is how well they understand things
ReplyDelete"Fog enveloping the world’s largest clock tower in Makkah for the first time triggered panic among Muslim pilgrims, who called the Civil Defence after mistaking it for fire, a local newspaper reported on Monday."
As I was reading this article, I was reminded of the GAME called "Civilization" where one builds Wonders of the World to better one's score. Maybe Mecca's city planners should try harder at being a civilization instead of playing Civilization.
ReplyDeleteCargo Culters can only play at being civilization
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