In the video below, Azmi Bishara, an Arab member of the Israeli Knesset speaks openly about the fact that there was never a Palestinian nation/people (Ummah Palestini) only an Arab nation (Ummah Arabi).
During the 2006 war with the Syrian and Iranian backed Hizbollah terrorist group (another proxy group, this one aimed at both Lebanon and Israel), Azmi Bishara provided Hizbullah with information on targets in Israel. He has since fled Israel.
Ummah Arabi or in the arabic, Ummah Arabiyah, refers to Pan-Arabism, a Supra-Arab state encompassing the entire Middle East. An ideology dating back to Gamal Abdul Nasser, the Baathists in Iraq and Syria, and their Soviet masters. As well as Arafat's Fatah terrorist organization.
Today however Amzi Bishara's Ummah Arabiyah is making way for Ummah Islamiyah, an Islamic Caliphate uniting Muslims around the world, an ideology that includes the various branches of the Muslim Brotherhood, including Hamas and Al Queda, as well as Iran and its Shiite backed terrorist groups, such as Hezbollah.
The Two State solution does not mean two states living side by side. It used to mean an Ummah Arabiyah state inside Israel, working at the command of Syria, Iraq and the rest of the Ummah Arabiyah contenders to carve up Israel from the inside. Today it means an Ummah Islamiyah state inside Israel, doing its best to destroy Israel.
As a Marxist, Bishara was advocating an Ummah Arabiyah in place of Israel, a national Arab socialist camp, as embodied by Nasser, Assad, Arafat and Saddam Hussein. Naturally this camp could only have one "true" leader, which was to be the ruler of the most powerful Arab country who would also succeed in destroying Israel.
But nationalism in the Arab world has always been a tricky sell, mainly because Arab nations are artificial entities. Jordan, Syria, Egypt, Iraq and much of the Arab world consists of states and peoples artificially created by colonialism.
Pan-Arab nationalism, and today a Caliphate, was so popular precisely because the nationalism of individual Arab nations is such an absurdity.
Take Jordan, like Palestine,a regional name inaccurately assigned to a country. Carved up by European treaty agreements and assigned a failed Saudi royal family, the Hashemites, which in turn is resented by much of the population which supports Islamic terrorists including Al Queda at a higher ratio than virtually any other part of the Middle East. Under the Hashemites, Christians in Jordan went from comprising almost a third of the population, to little more than 5 percent.
Then there's Syria, its name deriving from the Greek name for Assyrians. Today Syria has a lot of Arabs and rather few Assyrians, thanks to the Assyrian Holocaust perpetrated by Arab Muslims, part of the larger Islamic ethnic cleansing and genocides perpetrated against the native peoples of the Middle East by the Arab tribes who had once been marginal players in the region.
Egypt and Iraq's rulers have made a great show of trying to connect their nations to an ancient past of Pharaohs and Babylonian rulers. Unfortunately for them, those all involve peoples who have nothing to do with the modern day Arabs who rule and dominate both nations. In the wake of the US liberation, Iraqi nationalism quickly collapsed back into religious and tribal factionalism. Egypt lacks religious factionalism, instead its Sunni hardliners, the Muslim Brotherhood, also behind Al Queda and Hamas, are waiting for their chance to seize power.
Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and the UAE have never particularly bothered with nationalism, sticking to good old tribalism, backed by billions in oil money stolen from nationalized Western oil companies. Their cities may gleam with skyscrapers and playgrounds for the rich, but the reality is that are nothing more than large family groups, staunchly conservative Wahhabis in religion, they try to play successor to Mohammed by promoting a global Jihad in the name of the Ummah Islamiyah.
It would be inaccurate to call them post-nationalists, but rather pre-nationalists. Like Mohammed they do not focus on national entities but on tribal and religious ones. The Caliphate is their vision for the Middle East and the rest of the world. Unlike their louder cousin, Osama Bin Laden, they avoid obvious saber rattling and confrontations, instead relying on the slow creep of Islamization and the influence that their wealth buys them abroad to shape the West.
The Saudi lobby is a great deal more powerful than the Israel lobby, it is also much less visible. It has an endless variety of front organizations, from domestic citizens groups such as CAIR, to much more intimate connections through the oil industry and deep into the foreign policy establishment of the West. The most often heard voices from organizations and mosques in the West come from Saudi funded groups.
Afghanistan marked a major turning point, as the Ummah Arabiyah Arab socialists turned a blind eye to the Soviet invasion, or even openly defended it, while the Ummah Islamiyah directed arms and fighters there. It marked not only the rise of Osama Bin Laden, but the rise of the Ummah Islamiyah's dream of a Great Islamic Caliphate.
In Afghanistan, ties were bridged with Asian Muslim dictatorships, such as Pakistan, creating a pan-global network of Ummah Islamyiah terrorists operating to expand Islamic territories and win independence across the globe. No longer bound by Arab chauvinism or the petty regional ambitions of Arab rulers, Ummah Islamiyah quickly expanded around the world. All that an Ummah Islamiyah terrorist group needed for a foothold was an Islamic minority in any country. Soon Saudi trained Imams would help radicalize the population, provide them with literature on Jihad and the rest would be history.
The Arab nationalist defeats against Israel in 1967 and 1973, Sadat's peace with Israel, the collapse of the USSR and finally the fall of the House of Saddam; marked the close of the Ummah Arabiyah era. Islamic terrorist groups replaced Marxist terrorist groups. Some Marxist groups such as Arafat's Fatah, repackaged themselves with a more Islamic identity, complete with suicide bombers bound for martyrdom in virgin paradise.
The other side of the Ummah Islamiyah though are the Shiites. The fall of the Shah's Iran replaced it with clerical rule. The Iraq-Iran war marked a bloody collision between the Ummah Arabiyah and the Ummah Islamiyah with no victor. Today however with Iran wielding the whip hand over the House of Assad in Baathist Syria and impinging on Syria's former fiefdom in Lebanon through Hizbullah, the Shiite Ummah Islamiyah is on the rise. Having gathered to itself Syria's former Ummah Arabiyah Pan-Arabic proxies, while sidelining the rest, Iran has gotten into the business of backing Ummah Islamiyah Sunni terrorist groups such as Hamas in Gaza and the Taliban in Afghanistan; this despite a failure to come to terms with Osama bin Laden before 9/11 and the US liberation of Iraq.
A key asset for Iran is that it not only is the homeland of the most sizable schismatic Islamic sect, but also boasts a leadership that is ethnically Persian, and unlike the various Arab kingdoms playing with an imaginary history, it can draw on exclusive stream of both religious and national identity. Unlike Saddam's hollow Babylonian posturing, Persian nationalism is a potent force that even the Islamic Republic's leaders have drawn on.
However since Persians are only a percentage of Iran but not the whole, Shiite Islam serves to bring together the various strands of Iran's marginalized ethnic groups, though naturally not the Sunnis, Zoroastrians, Jews or any of Iran's other persecuted religious minorities.
However Iran's emphasis on its Islamic identity rather than its Persian identity, even if it is one that most Muslims consider to be a dangerously heretical strain, a perception only increased by the Ayatollah Khomeini assigning himself virtually the same theocratic powers as Mohammed, has still helped bridge the gap with Ummah Islamiyah. And while Al Queda refused to play ball with the Ayatollahs and instead launched a murderous killing spree against Iraqi Shiites, its cousin Hamas has not had the same objections willingly accepting Iranian aid, as have the Taliban.
On all sides the Arab World is making way for the Muslim World. The Ummah Arabiyah, the Pan-Arab nationalistic vision by Arab dictators who modeled themselves on Hitler and Stalin, as did Saddam Hussein, Gammal Abdel Nasser and Anwar Sadat, and funded and organized by the USSR is in a steep decline. In its place comes Ummah Islamiyah which lacks the traditional weaknesses of Arab nationalism and has far less need for structure.
Unlike Ummah Arabiyah, the Ummah Islamiyah does not need to model itself on Western states that can field successful armies. Every Arab Israeli war and the two Gulf Wars have conclusively demonstrated that no Arab nation can hope to match a first world military, or its non-oil and non-tourism industries. Ummah Islamiyah instead relies on the time honored tactics of the Bedouin bandit fused with the religious martyrdom and frenzy of the Hassashin.
While Mao and Che may still be read, the Ummah Islamiyah terrorist is much more likely to rely on Mohammed's terrorist tactics manual, best known as the Koran. That is why he does not seek a comprehensive military victory, but only to engage his enemies in prolonged low intensity conflicts that last for decades, drawing blood endlessly from First World nations until they agree to a series of increasingly humiliating terms that will ultimately lead to their destruction and enslavement.
All this mode of conflict requires is willing recruits, a territory of operations and enough funding to keep buying weapons year after year. And across the world that has been easy enough to come by.
Where the Ummah Arabiyah sought to redeem Arab pride with military victories in the mold of Saladin, Ummah Islamiyah is determined to continue killing until they get their way. As the Arab world makes way for the Muslim world, the axis of the conflicts shifts to a global quest for an Islamic caliphate.
Just as Hitler's coinage of Volksdeutsche broadened German imperial ambitions into a racial quest, and then with National Socialism, transformed it into a global ideology-- Middle Eastern terrorists began with Arab nationalism and have moved on to Islamic nationalism. They have learned well the lessons of Hitler and Stalin, both of whom served as models for the Pan-Arabism of the Ummah Arabiyah; that to conquer the world you must first forge a common cause with a global ideology.
Islam is to the planned caliphate, what Nazism was to Hitler and Communism was to Stalin. 9/11 was Osama bin Laden's bid to be the Hitler and Stalin of the Ummah Islamiyah. Bush's prompt action against him frustrated his ambitions to leverage his war against the US for his followers to seize control of the Gulf Emirates and Pakistan. Across the Shiite divide, Ahmadinejad has positioned himself as the messianic figure, the incarnation of the Mahdi, who will destroy Israel and unite Islam together.
With the ideology of Islamism in place, and with Muslims across the world serving as the equivalent of Hitler's Volksdeutsche, paving the way for a global war by Islam against the infidel nations of the Dar Al Harb... and if like Chamberlain we do nothing but appease, the Hitler of Islam will no doubt emerge as well.
During the 2006 war with the Syrian and Iranian backed Hizbollah terrorist group (another proxy group, this one aimed at both Lebanon and Israel), Azmi Bishara provided Hizbullah with information on targets in Israel. He has since fled Israel.
Ummah Arabi or in the arabic, Ummah Arabiyah, refers to Pan-Arabism, a Supra-Arab state encompassing the entire Middle East. An ideology dating back to Gamal Abdul Nasser, the Baathists in Iraq and Syria, and their Soviet masters. As well as Arafat's Fatah terrorist organization.
Today however Amzi Bishara's Ummah Arabiyah is making way for Ummah Islamiyah, an Islamic Caliphate uniting Muslims around the world, an ideology that includes the various branches of the Muslim Brotherhood, including Hamas and Al Queda, as well as Iran and its Shiite backed terrorist groups, such as Hezbollah.
The Two State solution does not mean two states living side by side. It used to mean an Ummah Arabiyah state inside Israel, working at the command of Syria, Iraq and the rest of the Ummah Arabiyah contenders to carve up Israel from the inside. Today it means an Ummah Islamiyah state inside Israel, doing its best to destroy Israel.
As a Marxist, Bishara was advocating an Ummah Arabiyah in place of Israel, a national Arab socialist camp, as embodied by Nasser, Assad, Arafat and Saddam Hussein. Naturally this camp could only have one "true" leader, which was to be the ruler of the most powerful Arab country who would also succeed in destroying Israel.
But nationalism in the Arab world has always been a tricky sell, mainly because Arab nations are artificial entities. Jordan, Syria, Egypt, Iraq and much of the Arab world consists of states and peoples artificially created by colonialism.
Pan-Arab nationalism, and today a Caliphate, was so popular precisely because the nationalism of individual Arab nations is such an absurdity.
Take Jordan, like Palestine,a regional name inaccurately assigned to a country. Carved up by European treaty agreements and assigned a failed Saudi royal family, the Hashemites, which in turn is resented by much of the population which supports Islamic terrorists including Al Queda at a higher ratio than virtually any other part of the Middle East. Under the Hashemites, Christians in Jordan went from comprising almost a third of the population, to little more than 5 percent.
Then there's Syria, its name deriving from the Greek name for Assyrians. Today Syria has a lot of Arabs and rather few Assyrians, thanks to the Assyrian Holocaust perpetrated by Arab Muslims, part of the larger Islamic ethnic cleansing and genocides perpetrated against the native peoples of the Middle East by the Arab tribes who had once been marginal players in the region.
Egypt and Iraq's rulers have made a great show of trying to connect their nations to an ancient past of Pharaohs and Babylonian rulers. Unfortunately for them, those all involve peoples who have nothing to do with the modern day Arabs who rule and dominate both nations. In the wake of the US liberation, Iraqi nationalism quickly collapsed back into religious and tribal factionalism. Egypt lacks religious factionalism, instead its Sunni hardliners, the Muslim Brotherhood, also behind Al Queda and Hamas, are waiting for their chance to seize power.
Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and the UAE have never particularly bothered with nationalism, sticking to good old tribalism, backed by billions in oil money stolen from nationalized Western oil companies. Their cities may gleam with skyscrapers and playgrounds for the rich, but the reality is that are nothing more than large family groups, staunchly conservative Wahhabis in religion, they try to play successor to Mohammed by promoting a global Jihad in the name of the Ummah Islamiyah.
It would be inaccurate to call them post-nationalists, but rather pre-nationalists. Like Mohammed they do not focus on national entities but on tribal and religious ones. The Caliphate is their vision for the Middle East and the rest of the world. Unlike their louder cousin, Osama Bin Laden, they avoid obvious saber rattling and confrontations, instead relying on the slow creep of Islamization and the influence that their wealth buys them abroad to shape the West.
The Saudi lobby is a great deal more powerful than the Israel lobby, it is also much less visible. It has an endless variety of front organizations, from domestic citizens groups such as CAIR, to much more intimate connections through the oil industry and deep into the foreign policy establishment of the West. The most often heard voices from organizations and mosques in the West come from Saudi funded groups.
Afghanistan marked a major turning point, as the Ummah Arabiyah Arab socialists turned a blind eye to the Soviet invasion, or even openly defended it, while the Ummah Islamiyah directed arms and fighters there. It marked not only the rise of Osama Bin Laden, but the rise of the Ummah Islamiyah's dream of a Great Islamic Caliphate.
In Afghanistan, ties were bridged with Asian Muslim dictatorships, such as Pakistan, creating a pan-global network of Ummah Islamyiah terrorists operating to expand Islamic territories and win independence across the globe. No longer bound by Arab chauvinism or the petty regional ambitions of Arab rulers, Ummah Islamiyah quickly expanded around the world. All that an Ummah Islamiyah terrorist group needed for a foothold was an Islamic minority in any country. Soon Saudi trained Imams would help radicalize the population, provide them with literature on Jihad and the rest would be history.

The other side of the Ummah Islamiyah though are the Shiites. The fall of the Shah's Iran replaced it with clerical rule. The Iraq-Iran war marked a bloody collision between the Ummah Arabiyah and the Ummah Islamiyah with no victor. Today however with Iran wielding the whip hand over the House of Assad in Baathist Syria and impinging on Syria's former fiefdom in Lebanon through Hizbullah, the Shiite Ummah Islamiyah is on the rise. Having gathered to itself Syria's former Ummah Arabiyah Pan-Arabic proxies, while sidelining the rest, Iran has gotten into the business of backing Ummah Islamiyah Sunni terrorist groups such as Hamas in Gaza and the Taliban in Afghanistan; this despite a failure to come to terms with Osama bin Laden before 9/11 and the US liberation of Iraq.
A key asset for Iran is that it not only is the homeland of the most sizable schismatic Islamic sect, but also boasts a leadership that is ethnically Persian, and unlike the various Arab kingdoms playing with an imaginary history, it can draw on exclusive stream of both religious and national identity. Unlike Saddam's hollow Babylonian posturing, Persian nationalism is a potent force that even the Islamic Republic's leaders have drawn on.
However since Persians are only a percentage of Iran but not the whole, Shiite Islam serves to bring together the various strands of Iran's marginalized ethnic groups, though naturally not the Sunnis, Zoroastrians, Jews or any of Iran's other persecuted religious minorities.
However Iran's emphasis on its Islamic identity rather than its Persian identity, even if it is one that most Muslims consider to be a dangerously heretical strain, a perception only increased by the Ayatollah Khomeini assigning himself virtually the same theocratic powers as Mohammed, has still helped bridge the gap with Ummah Islamiyah. And while Al Queda refused to play ball with the Ayatollahs and instead launched a murderous killing spree against Iraqi Shiites, its cousin Hamas has not had the same objections willingly accepting Iranian aid, as have the Taliban.
On all sides the Arab World is making way for the Muslim World. The Ummah Arabiyah, the Pan-Arab nationalistic vision by Arab dictators who modeled themselves on Hitler and Stalin, as did Saddam Hussein, Gammal Abdel Nasser and Anwar Sadat, and funded and organized by the USSR is in a steep decline. In its place comes Ummah Islamiyah which lacks the traditional weaknesses of Arab nationalism and has far less need for structure.
Unlike Ummah Arabiyah, the Ummah Islamiyah does not need to model itself on Western states that can field successful armies. Every Arab Israeli war and the two Gulf Wars have conclusively demonstrated that no Arab nation can hope to match a first world military, or its non-oil and non-tourism industries. Ummah Islamiyah instead relies on the time honored tactics of the Bedouin bandit fused with the religious martyrdom and frenzy of the Hassashin.

All this mode of conflict requires is willing recruits, a territory of operations and enough funding to keep buying weapons year after year. And across the world that has been easy enough to come by.
Where the Ummah Arabiyah sought to redeem Arab pride with military victories in the mold of Saladin, Ummah Islamiyah is determined to continue killing until they get their way. As the Arab world makes way for the Muslim world, the axis of the conflicts shifts to a global quest for an Islamic caliphate.
Just as Hitler's coinage of Volksdeutsche broadened German imperial ambitions into a racial quest, and then with National Socialism, transformed it into a global ideology-- Middle Eastern terrorists began with Arab nationalism and have moved on to Islamic nationalism. They have learned well the lessons of Hitler and Stalin, both of whom served as models for the Pan-Arabism of the Ummah Arabiyah; that to conquer the world you must first forge a common cause with a global ideology.
Islam is to the planned caliphate, what Nazism was to Hitler and Communism was to Stalin. 9/11 was Osama bin Laden's bid to be the Hitler and Stalin of the Ummah Islamiyah. Bush's prompt action against him frustrated his ambitions to leverage his war against the US for his followers to seize control of the Gulf Emirates and Pakistan. Across the Shiite divide, Ahmadinejad has positioned himself as the messianic figure, the incarnation of the Mahdi, who will destroy Israel and unite Islam together.
With the ideology of Islamism in place, and with Muslims across the world serving as the equivalent of Hitler's Volksdeutsche, paving the way for a global war by Islam against the infidel nations of the Dar Al Harb... and if like Chamberlain we do nothing but appease, the Hitler of Islam will no doubt emerge as well.
You forgot to mention that Eurabia will soon be joining the Global Ummah as Muslim countries export their failure to Europe, with the active assistance of Eurocrat bureaucrats & multi-cultural suicidal appeasers.
ReplyDeleteFascinating article--and scary.
ReplyDeleteI hope that MK who spoke so honestly about "Palestine" gets a body guard. No doubt Hamas and other terrorist groups that have made the Palestinian issue their cause will retaliate against him for being outspoken.
As usual a right on analysis, but the multitudes don't want to see. Raised up on fantasy books and movies and with the firm backing of PC they march right into the chambers.
ReplyDeleteHe fled to Syria after directing Hizbollah's bombing of Israel during the second Lebanon war
ReplyDeleteEurabia is of course next on the firing line
ReplyDeleteWhat we all need is a change of perspective.
ReplyDeleteBoth the Palestinians and the Israelis are victims of the obvious “Agenda of the Arab Despots and their Fundamentalist Cohorts” who are intent on perpetuating their autocratic regimes.
They are not at all eager to support another emerging fledgling Palestinian
Democracy. They are, rather, quite willing to spend their last dollar and sacrifice the
last “Palestinian Freedom Fighter” and the “Dream of Palestinian
independence” to consolidate their regimes by battling encroaching democracy.
The Palestinians best hope is in accepting Israel’s long standing offer to establish
their own “Independent State” and aid in spreading the benefits of Democracy,
as so vividly demonstrated by Israel, to the exploited, disfranchised and intimidated
subjects of the benighted Despotic Leaders.
The problem with that is that the palestinian arab cause cannot be divorced from the wider arab agenda regarding Israel. If any Palestinian Arab leadership arose that genuinely wanted a state and peace with israel, it would be overthrown and destroyed in a short amount of time
ReplyDeleteSo-called Palestinians are not "victims" of anything.
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