Islam means submission or slavery, the literal opposite of liberty. When Muslim terrorists attacked America on 9/11, their attack took place a block off Liberty St. And now the Liberty Science Center across the river from the World Trade Center has become the first place in North America to host a phony exhibition on the wonders of Islamic science and the glory of Arab culture full of the same fraudulent promotion for a barbaric culture of murderers, bigots and thieves.
With enough money invested the Arab and Muslim world has demonstrated the ability to take advantage of American tolerance and Western political correctness to promote their propaganda and self-glorification abroad. The Liberty Science Center exhibition is not simply about promoting a myth of Islamic culture, it is about promoting Islam. Read the following paragraph from the official Liberty Science website.
"Never before presented in North America, this important exhibition from MTE Studios in South Africa was first presented at Ibn Battuta Mall in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. It will help guests of all ages understand how the flowering of Islam led to a new kind of prosperity across large areas of the known world, from Spain to China."Note that what is mentioned is specifically the flowering of Islam as bringing prosperity across the world. Never mind the millions dead, the religions and cultures crushed and suppressed. They of course go unmentioned.
Now there of course are no exhibitions on Jewish or Christian science. The idea that science is an outgrowth of religion is an unacceptable notion except apparently when it comes to Islam.
You'll even visit a re-created Souk, an Arabic market, as part of your introduction to the Islamic world.Which of course is the real agenda. Not promoting science. But "introducing your kids to the Islamic world" which the Arab money behind the exhibition intends to have them join down the road.
By the ninth century CE, astronomers across the globe used one language to communicate, and that language was Arabic, due to advances of the Islamic world in astronomy.Can you see the dream of the Caliphate nakedly on display here? One world. One language. The exhibition being hosted by the Liberty Science Center is a product of MTE Studios, which is solidly based in Arab and Muslim countries. According to the Director of MTE Studios, the goal of the exhibition was aimed at “communicating a powerful and positive message about the Arabic and Islamic civilisation”. Yeah I just bet it is.
MTE Studios placed its exhibition under the academic supervision of Professor Mohammad Al Qurashi, Director of the Research House of Islamic Studies and Heritage Revival. The Research House For Islamic Studies ِAnd Heritage Revival is based out of the UAE. It appears to be a UAE government institution geared to promoting Islam and the myth of Islamic cultural supremacy.
That this propaganda has been repeatedly aimed and targeted at Western children, whether through schools or now a children's educational museum, bespeaks the cowardly and cunning nature of the enemy intent on brainwashing our children when they cannot get to the adults and those adults in charge at the Liberty Science Center and at schools who allow this promotion of Islamic supremacism.
I would not tar all of historical-Islam with the same brush.
ReplyDeleteThere were historically several different schools of Islamic theology both within Sunni and within Shiite sects. The Golden Age of Moslem Spain was, IIUC, in part a function of the liberal and philosophical schools becoming dominant. For all practical purposes those schools seem to have disappeared. Currently we have the Wahhabis who are of the extreme Salafi Sunni school, and funded by Saudi money in almost complete control of the Sunni sect. Although Wahhabis publicly insist that the real fanatics are the another group who are followers of the Egyptian ideologue Sayyid Qutb (who was executed by Nasser in 1966 that Bin Laden was not a real Whahhabi but a follower of Qutb. Wahhabiism, however, seems to provide at the very least, an environment most congenial to such fanaticism and many Saudi volunteers have joined the "fighters" in Iraq and Afganistan.
So I suggest that a more accurate answer to the Liberty Science Center presenters would be: "You're rigtht- Islam has had a period of flowering when its followers lead the civilized world in artistic, philosophical and scientific achievement. However WHY is it that the West progressed while followers of Islam regressed to primitivism. Could such be because of the ascendancy of a different type of Islam.
Another great article.
ReplyDeleteIsn't it amazing how much these Muslims Arabs who were sooo oppressed and discriminated against post Sept.11 are having all sorts of doors opened to them? Actually, anti-semitism rose after 9/11.
Airports have a hissy fit if a rabbi wants a simple holiday display of a menorah. Oh no, can't have that. Separation of religion and state. You'd need to accomodate all religions. Blah blah blah. Yet many airports now have special sinks in their bathrooms for Muslims to wash their feet in before prayers.
The location of the exhibit is a disgrace. It's akin to having a kiosk in Auschwitz on aryan pride or the like.
Money Talks.
ReplyDeletePay offs and bribes from Saudi oil magnets changes minds, makes museums, make crescent shaped memorials to victims of muslim maniacal thinking, makes indebted slaves of national leaders and politicians of every nation who seem to all have their price.
Islam invented NO Science.
ReplyDeleteAll they got came from Avraham and the Jews.. no exceptions.
I will go this far:
Not one good thing that is in this world..invention , painting, music, is not from the hands of Israel.
One day you will see that I was right.
the golden age of 'islamic science' mainly featured arabs and muslims recycling science picked up from the greeks and india and architecture from Byzantium
ReplyDeleteit demonstrated tolerance for knowledge but not cultural achievement and today muslims are determined to take credit for everyone else's knowledge
Sometimes it seems as though there are only a handful of sensible people aware of the dangers Muslims present.
ReplyDeleteIt like a twisted horror movie. WE see the dangers while the masses merrily gobble up the good news of the "peaceful" Muslims.
ReplyDeletebut then horror movies were ways that the national culture used to work out threats in safer forms
serial killers, invaders, disease
and it follows a pattern of human behavior, people prefer to look away
Anon: islam is islam. there is no good islam. it's pure evil. they have proved it countless times throughout history. it's nothing more than a sick religion of terrorism based on world domination. bow or die.
ReplyDeleteUnfortunately, the US and other countries have forgotten one very important principle. You don't talk with evil, you don't try to reason with it - you destroy it. That's what needs to be done to every freaking muslim...destroyed.
What science did Islam invent that didn't come directly from Jews and our common ancestor Abraham? Making bombs out of fertilizer? Or getting your kid to wear exploding diapers?
ReplyDeleteThis is just beyond sick. The lips of Apologists stuck to Islamic a**. Can I throw up now?
One of my kids is an honor student with a major "thing" for science and has been bugging me to go to the Liberty Science Center. I think I'll pop them an email and tell them - you take down that exhibit and we'll come.
Great post SK!
the planetarium and the museum of natural history are much better for science anyway
ReplyDeleteLSC is just cutesy exhibits which aims for the lowest common denom
I just finished reading an article about a Christian man in Iran who got lashed for having a bible in his car.
ReplyDeleteYesterday I read about a Sub - Saharan 13 year old girl who died after having her clitoris cut out like a malignant cancer.
The day before yesterday I read about an Iraqi Shia woman who was raped by 60 members of al Qaeda, cut to pieces and thrown into the river. Every day, day after day after day, a multitude of horrors known and some unknown, are committed in the name of Islam all over our world: To Muslims by Muslims. Horrors committed by Muslims upon Christian, Jew, Hindu, believer, non believer, apostate. Assassinations, mutilations, torture, beheading, bombing, burning alive.
Soon to follow is the self righteous whining, the self pitying, the glorious exaltation of Muslim victimhood when their inhuman crimes are exposed.
They claim Muslims may be unjustly targeted for the despicable deeds of an unruly few. But the bloody icing on the cake is the sick pandering, the unabashed, wide eyed propaganda that issues forth from the soulless, godless Left.
Islam is a religion of peace. Three thousand didn't die at the hands of Muslims on 911, Daniel Pearl didn't have his head cut off by Islamic faithful for being a Jew .. Daniel Sheffi, Shavelet Pass, Nava Applebaum, Eliyahu Asheri, Erez Levanon ...Its not what you think, honey.
Listening to the malarkey piled up for us ignorant masses, the dog sh*t wrapped up pretty with a nice shiny bow - I want to slap the nonsense right out of their mouths. It's no less abhorrent than having bloody intestines forced down my throat - I want to vomit! and it's all I can do to keep from losing it..
"There were historically several different schools of Islamic theology both within Sunni and within Shiite sects. The Golden Age of Moslem Spain was, IIUC, in part a function of the liberal and philosophical schools becoming dominant. For all practical purposes those schools seem to have disappeared. Currently we have the Wahhabis who are of the extreme Salafi Sunni school, and funded by Saudi money in almost complete control of the Sunni sect. Although Wahhabis publicly insist that the real fanatics are the another group who are followers of the Egyptian ideologue Sayyid Qutb (who was executed by Nasser in 1966 that Bin Laden was not a real Whahhabi but a follower of Qutb."
ReplyDeleteThis statement is totally sciolistic. "different schools of Islamic theology" Well, daahhh. Yes, and all of them tendencious toward sectariarn violence, not only against each other, but also--and especially--against the Jews.
"Historical Islam" is another sophist term adopted by Islam's apologists. Let's talk about veridical Islam, shall we? Would you like me to give you a little info on Islam's followers persecuting Jews in Spain? "The Golden Age of Moslem Spain"?? Give me a freakin' break! Yeah, Turkey is overflowing with "moderate Muslims," Saudi Arabia is an ally in the fight against Islamic terrorism, and Daniel Pipes is an expert on Islam.
Read a little more, my unctuous friend, and with the light on this time. You're not getting it.
There has never been a golden age of Islam, I don't care if the sovreign state of Pakistan flies freakin' Prof. Palazzi to Pluto and back! This religion is insalubrious. Period. The "liberal and philosophical schools becoming dominant" indicates Spain's experience was more a golden age of philisophical schools and liberals overcoming the malefic manifestations of Islam. As one percipient blogger has noted here, there has never been anything good come of Islam. "A crooked light casts a crooked shadow."
You're not going back far enough. 1966? Bin Laden was not a real Whahhabi? Well, doesn't that bring tears to my eyes! Gee, maybe he's not as bad as all that! Perhaps if we kiss his ass a little more he'll stop killing and explain to the Western world just how benign his sect of Islam really is. Are we about to experience a real Golden Age of Islam? Not.
anonymous would not tar them all with one brush.
ReplyDeleteWell I would tar AND feather them with as many brushes as it took , but then, thats just me.:D
All I needed to know about Islamic Science I learned on 9/11.
ReplyDeleteThanks for posting this, Sultan. Linking you.
Lemon - need some help with that tar and those brushes, pal?
Of course the claims made for "Islamic science" are fake, made for diplomatic purposes, not for the sake of science. But the trend of flattering Muslims goes on not only in the US but in the UK and France too. See links:
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