After another bloody weekend in Chicago, Mayor Rahm Emanuel branded the shootings unacceptable and the city’s top cop demanded more gun control laws. Chicago’s murder rate has actually dropped since concealed carry became legal. Emanuel’s lawsuits over his illegal gun control laws have left the already struggling city deep in the hole and forced to cover the NRA’s million dollars in legal bills.
Concealed carry paid off over that bloody weekend when a vet carrying a gun returned fire stopping a massacre before it happened. The original shooter ended up in the hospital, but nobody ended up in the morgue, which kept the death toll for the weekend down to fourteen.
Fourteen isn’t pretty, but it’s better than twenty or thirty.
Chicago’s murder rate in 1992 was double what it is today. The death rate was at 33.7 out of 100,000 which meant that you had a pretty good chance of being shot in Chicago. Today it’s down to 15 out of 100,000, which is small comfort to those ending up in the morgue, but it gives everyone else much better odds of surviving to see what ingenious ways the next corrupt mayoral administration will use to rip off the city.
Back in 1992, the cops also blamed guns for the murder rate. But it wasn’t the guns that were killing people. It was the gangs. Now the murder rate is down, but the number of shootings is up. To Chicago’s police boss, that’s a problem, as if it makes a difference to the deceased whether he’s shot, stabbed or dropped in the water wearing cement overshoes. But fighting guns is easier than fighting crime.
The gun obsession is one of the few things that cops and leftists have in common. It’s the last politically acceptable form of prohibitionism in a society that enthusiastically legalizes drugs, even if possessing crack cocaine is statistically much more likely to lead you to kill a man, than possessing a gun will.
Every shooting spree bypasses the obvious problem with calls for more gun laws and something for the youth to do over the weekend that doesn’t involve shooting up the local housing project. This weekend, Rahm Emanuel took on the problem of funding more teen centers while Chicago’s top cop blustered about more gun laws. And then having successfully talked around the issue, they all went home.
The left loves root causes more than it loves red shirts and black bandanas, a fashion choice that it shares with some of the gangs responsible for most of the shootings.
America’s gun violence problem is urban. It’s localized in Democratic enclaves. And it overlaps neatly with its corrupt political machines. It has nothing to do with the NRA and a great deal to do with the party of social engineering, the welfare state and gun bans.
And illegal immigration.
Homicide rates overlap with unemployment rates, especially when accounting for the demographic populations of young minority men who are statistically more likely to kill or be killed.
92% of black male teens in Chicago don’t have a job. In Detroit, 50% of black men are unemployed. It’s not that there aren’t any jobs, but the entry level jobs have been mostly going to immigrants.
The Center for Immigration Studies found that under Obama two-thirds of jobs went to immigrants, both legal and illegal. Throw in a massive illegal alien amnesty and the rush of illegal aliens into the country will turn the employment figures of every city into Detroit and Chicago.
The black male unemployment rate in New York was at 33%. And the murder rate in New York is significantly lower than in Detroit or Chicago. But how long will that last if the unemployment rate in New York rises above 50%? Before long the marginal gangs will swell to monstrous sizes controlling entire neighborhoods. Anyone who can will flee and the city will once again become what it was.
The same process will take place in most major American cities.
The United States of America does not have a shortage of workers. It has a shortage of jobs. The irresponsible immigration policy has created a surplus of workers. Illegal alien amnesty will make that surplus much worse. Legalize twelve million illegal aliens and another twelve million will come. Those who can’t find jobs, will find gangs. Those who lose jobs to them will also find gangs.
The gangs will fight each other for control of entire neighborhoods and the crime wave will set America back decades.
After the 1986 amnesty, the number of murders, which had begun to fall in the early eighties, rose again. They did not return to a pre-amnesty level until 1997. Rapes have only recently returned to a pre-amnesty level. Now the progress we’ve made is about to be undone all over again.
In 1986, murder rates suddenly rose mysteriously in major cities. The New York Times described the crime rates as being the highest since the 1970s.
In Chicago, murders increased by 20%. In New York they increased by 20%. The cities rushed to crack down on guns while insisting that they were mystified by the drastic increase.
The guns weren’t the problem. The illegal alien amnesty which had created a magnet was. Illegal aliens with fake documents headed in hoping to take advantage of amnesty. Later newly legalized immigrants invited their family members to join them. Even before the amnesty took effect, crime rates spiked.
Amnesty advocates claim that immigrants aren’t taking jobs from Americans because they are more likely to be employed at the lower and higher ends of the marketplace. And that’s half true. What it really means is that they displace trained technical workers at the high end of the marketplace. That leads to a further erosion of the native middle class, but it doesn’t directly lead to gang violence.
At the lower end of the marketplace, they not only displace workers, but they displace the workers that might have been. Teenagers who would have started working regular jobs instead roam around aimlessly. The lost entry level jobs are substituted with crime. Neighborhoods fall apart and gang violence increases as gang members compete for turf in the new drug marketplace. And the rest is crime statistics and children taken to morgues in cities that can barely keep the lights on.
If we want to repeat the same cycle again, Super-Amnesty, an amnesty several times bigger than the one in 1986, will make it happen. Entire cities will fall into gang violence. Their economies will collapse and that will have a ripple effect on their suburbs and on entire states.
America will be a more dangerous and poorer place. And the politicians will talk some more about banning guns and about building more teen centers for the youth to hang out in between shootings.

Fourteen isn’t pretty, but it’s better than twenty or thirty.
Chicago’s murder rate in 1992 was double what it is today. The death rate was at 33.7 out of 100,000 which meant that you had a pretty good chance of being shot in Chicago. Today it’s down to 15 out of 100,000, which is small comfort to those ending up in the morgue, but it gives everyone else much better odds of surviving to see what ingenious ways the next corrupt mayoral administration will use to rip off the city.
Back in 1992, the cops also blamed guns for the murder rate. But it wasn’t the guns that were killing people. It was the gangs. Now the murder rate is down, but the number of shootings is up. To Chicago’s police boss, that’s a problem, as if it makes a difference to the deceased whether he’s shot, stabbed or dropped in the water wearing cement overshoes. But fighting guns is easier than fighting crime.
The gun obsession is one of the few things that cops and leftists have in common. It’s the last politically acceptable form of prohibitionism in a society that enthusiastically legalizes drugs, even if possessing crack cocaine is statistically much more likely to lead you to kill a man, than possessing a gun will.
Every shooting spree bypasses the obvious problem with calls for more gun laws and something for the youth to do over the weekend that doesn’t involve shooting up the local housing project. This weekend, Rahm Emanuel took on the problem of funding more teen centers while Chicago’s top cop blustered about more gun laws. And then having successfully talked around the issue, they all went home.
The left loves root causes more than it loves red shirts and black bandanas, a fashion choice that it shares with some of the gangs responsible for most of the shootings.
America’s gun violence problem is urban. It’s localized in Democratic enclaves. And it overlaps neatly with its corrupt political machines. It has nothing to do with the NRA and a great deal to do with the party of social engineering, the welfare state and gun bans.
And illegal immigration.
Homicide rates overlap with unemployment rates, especially when accounting for the demographic populations of young minority men who are statistically more likely to kill or be killed.
92% of black male teens in Chicago don’t have a job. In Detroit, 50% of black men are unemployed. It’s not that there aren’t any jobs, but the entry level jobs have been mostly going to immigrants.
The Center for Immigration Studies found that under Obama two-thirds of jobs went to immigrants, both legal and illegal. Throw in a massive illegal alien amnesty and the rush of illegal aliens into the country will turn the employment figures of every city into Detroit and Chicago.
The black male unemployment rate in New York was at 33%. And the murder rate in New York is significantly lower than in Detroit or Chicago. But how long will that last if the unemployment rate in New York rises above 50%? Before long the marginal gangs will swell to monstrous sizes controlling entire neighborhoods. Anyone who can will flee and the city will once again become what it was.
The same process will take place in most major American cities.
The United States of America does not have a shortage of workers. It has a shortage of jobs. The irresponsible immigration policy has created a surplus of workers. Illegal alien amnesty will make that surplus much worse. Legalize twelve million illegal aliens and another twelve million will come. Those who can’t find jobs, will find gangs. Those who lose jobs to them will also find gangs.
The gangs will fight each other for control of entire neighborhoods and the crime wave will set America back decades.
After the 1986 amnesty, the number of murders, which had begun to fall in the early eighties, rose again. They did not return to a pre-amnesty level until 1997. Rapes have only recently returned to a pre-amnesty level. Now the progress we’ve made is about to be undone all over again.
In 1986, murder rates suddenly rose mysteriously in major cities. The New York Times described the crime rates as being the highest since the 1970s.
In Chicago, murders increased by 20%. In New York they increased by 20%. The cities rushed to crack down on guns while insisting that they were mystified by the drastic increase.
The guns weren’t the problem. The illegal alien amnesty which had created a magnet was. Illegal aliens with fake documents headed in hoping to take advantage of amnesty. Later newly legalized immigrants invited their family members to join them. Even before the amnesty took effect, crime rates spiked.

At the lower end of the marketplace, they not only displace workers, but they displace the workers that might have been. Teenagers who would have started working regular jobs instead roam around aimlessly. The lost entry level jobs are substituted with crime. Neighborhoods fall apart and gang violence increases as gang members compete for turf in the new drug marketplace. And the rest is crime statistics and children taken to morgues in cities that can barely keep the lights on.
If we want to repeat the same cycle again, Super-Amnesty, an amnesty several times bigger than the one in 1986, will make it happen. Entire cities will fall into gang violence. Their economies will collapse and that will have a ripple effect on their suburbs and on entire states.
America will be a more dangerous and poorer place. And the politicians will talk some more about banning guns and about building more teen centers for the youth to hang out in between shootings.
Great article. I live outside of Memphis, another bastion of minority and youth violence. Just in the last month or so we have had roving bands of teens beating the stuffing out of an old man at a grocery store, and another situation of pulling people from cars and beating them up. It is leaking out of the inner city and into the surround areas. Even in the suburbs we are seeing gaggles of teens roaming aimlessly after dark defiantly walking up the middle of the street and looking for either a confrontation or a victim. Super Amnesty could also be know as, "Detroit, Chicago, and Memphis....coming to a city near you."
ReplyDeleteWell-written as usual. And I might add free health care and food stamps to which illegal aliens are apparently entitled. There are people in the certain places who have it far worse than Latinos in Mexico and South America. For example, persecuted Christians, Hindus and Jains in the lands of Islam. Bring them here and give them citizenship so they can work as translators of Arabic, Hindi and Pashtu at the CIA and FBI, instead of hiring local Muslims just to demonstrate that we're not Islamophobes.
ReplyDeleteGood, Good! Only by getting this white hot will we be able to burn off the "progressive"or "leftists" or "communist" impurities. Call them what you will, but there's only one way to remove them. Embrace the fire, there is no other method to correct the infection. Consensus, seeking compromises has only prolonged and worsened the condition.
ReplyDeleteThe great American Melting pot has been forcefully cooled for far too long.
Please prepare. It is inevitable.
For those on the left, there is no underlying cause for a problem (except conservatism) so their answer is always more regulations, more government, more restrictions, higher taxes, and policies that end up hurting the people they claim they want to help.
ReplyDeleteLiberalism has created our culture of violence. It is directly responsible for the decimation of the black community through its welfare-state mentality. Through its championing of vice, immorality, promiscuity, illegitimate births, abortion, the destruction of the traditional family, sodomy, and its absolute hatred of parental rights and Constitutional rights, and its relentless attack on truth and domination of all of our institutions, it has created a culture of victimization, fear, irresponsibility, greed, widespread corruption, and unthinking, unfeeling half-humans where pleasure and living off the fruits of other's labors is the norm rather than the exception.
Its too late for "teen centers" when teens can be free of authority, make more money selling drugs and guns than Emanuel makes as mayor of Chicago, and have the power to eliminate rivals without an ounce of conscience (which liberalism has destroyed). Playing basketball is one boring endeavor when the exciting life of gang membership brings one power and lots of money.
The left will never give up its quest to eliminate the right to own guns where only criminals have them because they will never give up working to eliminate any right they don't want people to have. They believe only they have the authority and right to determine what everyone is allowed to do, to have, to say, and to think.
I grew up in a big city, and am so old I remember when our mothers would allow my friend and I to take the bus downtown for dental appointments when we reached fourth grade.
ReplyDeleteHeck, I remember when there Was a downtown, and it was safe.
My parents took us to Miami Beach every winter for vacation, it was paradise. It was so clean, we used to go to the grocery store in bare feet, and our feet didn't get dirty..
I now live in So. Fl permanently, many parts of it are beginning to look like Detroit.
Even new developments in the Miami/Broward area deteriorate quickly.
And these are mostly filled with employed Spanish families..The areas where the illegals gather are crime filled slums, and social services in these areas have budgets that are strained to the point of breaking.
.In no small measure these same people have caused very high unemployment in the Black communities, leading to ever more crime and violence ..
Obama has forgotten his base, sooner or later they may figure this out.
"If we want to repeat the same cycle again, Super-Amnesty, an amnesty several times bigger than the one in 1986, will make it happen. Entire cities will fall into gang violence. Their economies will collapse and that will have a ripple effect on their suburbs and on entire states."
ReplyDeleteThat is not even remotely a "bug", nor just an "undocumented feature"; it is the INTENT.
Great article. I noticed the media is getting a little looser (Pelosi denying she knew the Obamacare designer who said Americans were stupid is high comedy), but they won't mention the dollar being tossed by Russia, South Korea, and Canada. They sure aren't going to mention Obama trying to bring us down with the insane immigration policy. The media will make out like it's a good thing. No wonder Russia is getting more brazen in patrolling near our waters. They know we are being buckled and are about to fold. Gas where I live has gone up two cents every day since the election, and it will continue to rise. Anyone who lives in a big city is nuts. Big cities are going to end up like that old movie, Escape from New York. Wish you could read your article on the national news. Ha.
ReplyDelete"They" will NEVER take our guns. We outnumber them 10,000 to one !
ReplyDeleteNicely written. Unfortunately it exposes the hopelessness of "cleaning up the neighborhood". The problems are be pushed sideways, not solved. The untimely allegations against Cosby won't help either, especially if true.
ReplyDeleteThe irony of indirect slavery might awaken a few were they to realize their part in perpetuating the expanding militarized police complex by engaging in drug trade, once their assets are seized...
Well I'm off to watch Death Wish 3 again, never hurts to see the future.
Liked your idea, stirred it around so I was not MERELY coping your work. Could I get your opinion please?
ReplyDeleteThe coming Super-Amnesty Will Turn more American cities into Detroits.
American cities are already running out of money and the answer is to give them more welfare costs. Not enough jobs and the answer is to import millions of people looking for work. Pay is too low so the answer is pull in more people willing to work for low wages because that is better than what they have now. Its the American poor that is taking it in the back of the head. Its the people that trusted President Obama to look after their interests that he is stabbing in the back. Cities are already backed to the point where the struggle between more money for welfare and more money for pensions is going to produce a winner and a loser. Both. All of this betrayal is for one reason only, to keep political incumbents at the top (in both parties) in their positions of power a little longer.
92% of black male teens in Chicago don’t have a job. In Detroit, 50% of black men are unemployed. It’s not that there aren’t any jobs, but the entry level jobs have been mostly going to immigrants. The United States of America does not have a shortage of workers. It has a shortage of jobs. The irresponsible immigration policy has created a surplus of workers. Illegal alien amnesty will make that surplus much worse.
Crime rates exploded after the last amnesty in 1986. Murder rates suddenly rose and mysteriously in major cities. The New York Times described the crime rates as being the highest since the 1970s. In Chicago, murders increased by 20%. In New York they increased by 20%. The cities rushed to crack down on guns while insisting that they were mystified by the drastic increase.
But, you see, our nations politicians do not like the voters they are forced to deal with. Too many of them figure its easier to shop for new voters than to listen to the ones they already have. What do we owe to the American poor ? Do we owe them a chance at a better future ? Or do they deserve the back of our hand? If we do this to them should we be surprised at their reaction? You do realize that they will not take their anger out on the ones who did this to them don't you ?
If you truly beleive in helping the poor and needy in America do not let our politicians do this.
Phuck the politicians and what they say, we will keep kicking them out of office and in many cases they will be charged with high crimes for abetting the criminal mastermind in the Oval office and then these treasonous politicians will be hanged at some point in time.
ReplyDeletethis country does not have a gun has a RACE problem.
ReplyDeleteIt is amazing to me that you were able to even get these bits onto the web for any length of time. ALL of the elites in media and business are trying to 'Gruber' us about the coming amnesty, and you say "You Lie!".
ReplyDeleteI would go on a vacation for a few weeks and not tell anybody where you're going. Just saying, it's an Obama world.
Nicely done, but when we are heading down a path like this there is so little that can be done. Politicians with power to act, like Rick Perry, could offer the illegals a free ride to Detroit as soon as they're released by ICE (to protect Texans), but he won't. Nobody will act. We are paralyzed and the last breath is.....
"The gangs will fight each other for control of entire neighborhoods and the crime wave will set America back decades."
ReplyDeleteIf that happens, I suspect the American public will quickly warm to the idea of just getting medieval on their criminal a**es.
As the economic safety net becomes as strained as the entry level job market, we may see the race war predicted by Charles Manson. Charlie was a bit premature though, and only got half the participants right.
ReplyDeleteExcessively high immigration. A real problem that the Beltway Elites are tone deaf to. They dont care. They are obsessed with mass immigration.
ReplyDeleteDan: Utterly prescient ! And props to Glenn Reynolds for directing some traffic to your great article. Your only mistake was in the last sentence where you typed 'politicians'.....instead of 'Democrat politicians'. I grew up in Chicago, thankfully left the place 42 yrs ago. Wait til the pollce and fire pension plans blow up, just a few more years.......well the Democrats seem to prefer blowing up the tax-base first....
ReplyDeleteI'm recently familiar with your work. Great stuff. Keep it up.
ReplyDeleteMike B
Obama wants to tear this country down to the level of Kenya. In his socialist/muslim view, the U.S. has too much, stole it from the "rightful" owners and "deserves" to be taken down. And his policies, if they are allowed to be implemented, will do just that. Obamacare has destroyed the best healthcare system in the world. Open borders will continue this downward spiral. We didn't elect Republicans to "work with" Obama. We elected them to STOP OBAMA!
ReplyDelete"If we want to repeat the same cycle again, Super-Amnesty, an amnesty several times bigger than the one in 1986, will make it happen. Entire cities will fall into gang violence. Their economies will collapse and that will have a ripple effect on their suburbs and on entire states."
ReplyDeleteThat is not even remotely a "bug", nor just an "undocumented feature"; it is the INTENT.
duh. u get it.
ReplyDeleteDaniel, you couldn't be more correct. We need to end all permanent immigration to this country, particularly any type of family reunification. If we need more people here, we can easily make our own.
ReplyDeleteThe political elite of both parties want this, for every time, over the past twenty years or so, anyone brought up the idea that the US is allowing too many immigrants, they were immediately shouted down as a hate filled RACIST.
ReplyDeleteAmericans have been told over and over, it is not legitimate to have any critique of immigration policy because "we're a nation of immigrants" or "we're all immigrants". Both of these statements are false, half truths at most. Nearly every nation on Earth is a "nation of immigrants". Furthermore, the USA was created by people who were born here (as were their parents, going back to the 1600's). Immigrants move to an already existing society - founders, pioneers create a country.
Anyway, it's too late. Learn Spanish and get a Muslim prayer rug, for the new United Socialist States of America.
Dan: I'm speechless. Because I've thought ALL of this for years now, it's incredibly common-sense sensible (!).......but I have NEVER seen it in writing, and WITH a few #s to prove the points......points that are patently obvious. Anyone with more than 1/2 a brain driving through Chicago can see the results of 'big-govt' gone wild (no jobs) and non-protection of the border (illegals with too many of the low-skilled jobs).......and can add that 2+2 together and see the destruction and know the main causes. Breath-taking article, man ! You freaking NAILED IT !
ReplyDeleteKnish, I live in NH where there are no gun restrictions to speak of. There is very little violent crime and homicide's infrequency makes it big news when it happens. Vermont is much the same. People from MA always rebut this with 'but you have small populations'. Of course what they are really saying is much darker if you know what I mean and I think that you do. But I humor them and accept the premise for the sake of argument. Then I mention that Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Iraq are all sparsely populated. Ditto for Russia. Then I listen to the sound of crickets.
ReplyDeleteIt's interesting Daniel I remember not long ago watching a video of Black people upset the President was dropping off illegals in cities throughout America providing them with food, housing, and school. It didn't take them long to figure out they were being hosed and thrown over, so they took to protesting the "migrants" (I love the Left's new word machine for all things deviant they like).
ReplyDeleteDavid Horowitz is on the right tract,we Conservatives have to begin speaking to minorities in the inner cities.
To those young blacks my message to them is, stop whining, you hate whitey then build your own cities of success among yourselves.
As for legalizing the 5 million I think Democrats will rue the day they do this. It will create more chaos not less and the people who will have the issue in 2016 are the Republicans to the young and minority communities. I say it's time to turn the tables on Democrats. Mark the day on the calendar he deems these people legal and start watching the crime and job stats. I don't think Democrats are going to like what they see.
"The death rate was at 33.7 out of 100,000 which meant that you had a pretty good chance of being shot in Chicago. Today it’s down to 15 out of 100,000."
ReplyDeleteYep, and that's why the Left's hatred of guns has nothing to do with the murder rate and everything to do with control over people by appealing to superstitious, irrational, nonsensical ideas like "guns kill people." It's the idea that an inanimate object can infect sick minds and act on its own. The better idea is to focus on what made the mind sick in the first place, and our urban societies are a breeding ground for antisocial behavior on so many levels. And race peddlers absolve the lunatics of all responsibility, pointing to "structural racism." Yes, well, when the core family structure falls apart, trouble is close behind. And now it's been generations.
Detroit has many problems, but it does not have gun control. In fact, Detroit's top cop has raised the ire of Lefties everywhere by taking an NRA-like position on possession and home defense. Detroit is also fortunate that it's gang problem is dispersed, with local groups rather than multinational, interstate crime syndicates like the Crips, Bloods and MS-13.
Detroit could stabilize and eventually turn around, but not with the amnesty policies and family-reunion justifications for immigration policy, as well as the scandal of corporatist H1-B visas because we have a crummy educational and vocational system. It's just easier to import the talent we need than to develop it at home. But the true, fundamental scandal is that we've not yet realized how much we have devalued United States citizenship. When looking at the desperate, hopeless urban environments like Detroit and Chicago, please explain how low-wage, low-skilled mass immigration is not a betrayal of the citizens we have already, the ones we should be investing in instead of importing people who will displace opportunity because it's a nice thing to do for the Democrat Party. And the racial opportunists go along with this rubbish by either agreeing with it or remaining silent. Some "leaders."
I wonder if the elites in DC and the state legislatures got the message this time that we are not interested in swamping our country with more cheap labor and welfare system dependents. Not to mention letting known criminals and suspected terrorists in without any true estimate of the numbers. I wonder if these elites also got the message that they got elected to preserve the constitution, not dismantle it. However, with many of these elections taking place in low turn out situations and so many incumbents sent back, I doubt it. After all, who gave us McCain and Romney for candidates and Bush II pushing for general amnesty?
ReplyDeleteEverything you say is right on, but the powers that be do not want to acknowledge this, regardless of party. There have been no new postings for several days, so I hope all is well with you.
Barack, Hillary, Schumer, Pelosi, Cuomo, Gillibrand and all Alinskyites like the chaos the dialectic brings before their revolution.
ReplyDeleteMinimum wage laws on top of all of that.
ReplyDeleteCurious thing, why are gangs the default enterprise of impoverished regions?
- djr
I believe Obama calls this "fundamental transformation" and he promised it to us.
ReplyDeleteImportant article, Daniel, and you covered all the essentials except the purely political effects of another amnesty. We are talking about 12 million people minimum, and perhaps 30 million maximum (for now). Assuming they go on to become naturalized citizens, which is the Democrats' scheme, this will mean (since at least 70% will vote Democratic) that the Democrats will gain a potential 4.8 to 12 million votes more than Republicans will, making them unstoppable at the Federal level. And of course they'll dispense with any of the phony "border security" measures they claim to support, meaning we'll be flooded with even more millions of Democrats. That Democrats wish to destroy the cities under their control is disgusting; they they wish to destroy this entire country is no less than despicable.
ReplyDeleteI grew up in suburban Detroit before the city became a metaphor for urban failure and bankruptcy. I left the area and the state, as did a lot of others, for better economic climes, in this case Texas.
ReplyDeleteThe worst of it is, the people most responsible for this urban disaster have and most likely will never be held responsible for the mess they created.
And to think less than a century ago it was likened to Paris, France. Now it would be happy to be compared to Paris, Texas.
Ignatius Acton Chesterton OCD: I love your name. Also, your post is spot on. The truth is out there and is simple to understand but we, the people, and those we elect as our "leaders" are much too apathetic and complacent to dig deep inside and work to eradicate the core of our problems. As you say, its easier to import those who the political and corporate classes need to keep their pockets full than face up to the reality that we made the culture of corruption and immorality that will ensure our future collapse.
Look at it from the point of view of employers. They want good reliable employees who work hard. They have no particular incentive to employ immigrants over locals, and plenty of disincentives. If the jobs are still going to immigrants, I can see no conclusion other than that American schools and other (welfare) systems are setting kids up to fail. That is your root cause. Bottom line, get your kids out of the government schools, folks. Get yourselves out of failing cities. Time to vote with your feet.
ReplyDeleteWhy should our "leaders" wish to eradicate themselves?
And by that Moron Mayor Emmanuel consiters self defense a crime since crinimals are one of the biggist supporters of the demacrat party
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