Showing posts from June, 2021


White Men are Terrible, Insists Author Abandoned by Her Black Father

I jeoma Oluo spends a lot of time complaining about her single white mother who took care of her when her black father returned to Nigeria and never came back. Like Obama and Kamala, Ijeoma built a marketable identity by identifying with a father who abandoned her. But the author of such racist texts as So You Want to Talk About Race and Mediocre: The Dangerous Legacy of White Male America takes it even further by identifying as Nigerian-American. The Nigerian part is very hypothetical as she was born and raised in America, and her Nigerian father left when she was a year old and broke his promise to return. White people are absolutely terrible, Ijeoma, who is half-white, insists. "I have never been able to escape the fact that I am a black woman in a white supremacist country," Oluo declaimed at the beginning of So You Want to Talk About Race . The ugly racialist book never broke through the way that Robin DiAngelo or Ibram X. Kendi did, but it was a modest success and is

Obama and the Broken Nation He Made Come Of Age

Barack Obama turns 60 over the summer. The AARP cover with Barry posing next to a basketball and a shelf of bestselling non-fiction books he hasn’t read can’t be too far away. Once the symbol of youthful hipness, the former boss of Hope and Change now lectures “young people” on what they should be doing. His legacy is being carried forward by 78-year-old Biden and the 81-year-old Pelosi. That’s above the average age of 80 of the House Dem leadership. The average age of the Biden cabinet is two years older than President Trump’s cabinet. The gerontocratic technocracy uses AOC as its younger foil, but she’s been a stalking horse for Bernie Sanders who will hit the big 80 in the fall. The big donors behind the American Left are even older with George Soros due to hit 90 the same month Obama gets to 60. The even bigger reservoirs of cash flowing into the leftist machine are coming from the foundations of men who were born in the 19th century like Henry Ford, John D. MacArthur, and John D.

Did Amazon’s Critical Race Theory Push Lead to a Racist Assault on a Customer?

Ever since Amazon created its own delivery service, the blue vests of its drivers and the dark blue trucks with the monopolistic giant’s arrow have become as ubiquitous as UPS brown or FedEx purple and orange on every street and highway in America. And with good reason. Amazon’s package volume is expected to surpass UPS and FedEx as a host of men and women in blue rush to deliver orders from Chinese third party sellers and drop shippers. But on the first Friday of June, a delivery in California instead ended in a violent assault. Usually Amazon rips off customers, companies, and entire countries, but it doesn’t beat them. This time there was an exception as Itzel Ramirez, an Amazon driver in her twenties, was caught on video violently assaulting a 67-year-old woman who had asked about her package. While Ramirez claimed self-defense, the video shows her assaulting the elderly woman from behind, punching her in the back of the head, and seemingly using a key ring in the assault. The be

A BLM Supporter Tried to Kill a Police Officer: That's the Terrorist Threat We're Not Discussing

Briana Sykes spent over a year broadcasting the racist hate of the Black Lives Matter movement. Last year, she reposted a message from Senator Bernie Sanders, promoted by BLM activist Shaun King, stirring up anger over false claims about Breonna Taylor, who was killed when her drug dealer boyfriend opened fire on police. “Our criminal justice system is racist,” the Sanders smear of the police falsely claimed. Shortly afterward she posted an anti-police cartoon distributed by the Black Berner Coalition. Briana promoted a Black Lives Matter "economic boycott" and the claim that BLM rioters were "compelled to burn s___ down" because they're an "oppressed group". Over the summer, the same account linked to Briana Sykes spread disinformation that the Trump administration had "literally killed hundreds of protesters in front of the White House". The #DCBlackout hoax was spread by pro-BLM accounts. It was not clear who was behind a seeming attempt a

The Small Secessions of the New Civil War

That a battle over Atlanta would play nearly as pivotal a role in the country’s second civil war as it did in the first might have surprised few historians. What might have surprised them is that the battle would involve civic meetings rather than bullets. There are plenty of bullets in Buckhead, a part of Atlanta coping with runaway crime under the pro-crime rule of Mayor Keisha Bottoms, and those bullets have inspired local residents to secede and form their own police force. Buckhead is not the first part of Atlanta to try and secede. Sandy Springs had already successfully seceded from Atlanta and a number of cities in Fulton County, which includes Atlanta, have tried to break away to form Milton County. These efforts to escape the blight and corruption of Atlanta aren’t new, but Buckhead’s fight to escape Atlanta’s pro-crime government has captured the imagination of millions of Americans from one coast of the country to the other. The cold civil war is being shaped not by national

Biden’s Terror Strategy Defines Republicans as the New Terrorists

As the 20th anniversary of the September 11 attacks approaches, Joe Biden has made it clear that he doesn’t intend to fight Al Qaeda. Instead he’s going to fight other Americans. The Biden administration’s newly released National Strategy for Countering Domestic Terrorism mentions Al Qaeda only once in its 30 pages. Even though the FBI continues to break up Islamic terrorist plots against America, the document only defines Muslims as victims. Just last month a Seattle Muslim convert was arrested. The convert had discussed driving a "semi-truck" through "the gay pride parade in downtown Seattle". Even though the arrest came shortly before the anniversary of the ISIS massacre at the Pulse nightclub, both Biden and the media ignored the potential plot and the fact that the Pulse shooting was Islamic terrorism. “I wish to see the kuffar (non-Muslims) as I kill them, I want to strike terror in them and make Allah pleased for doing so,” the Seattle convert had boasted. T

How HBO Max Went Woke and Broke on BLM

After a former Hollywood Foreign Press Association president shared my Front Page Magazine article about the BLM Hollywood connection , WarnerMedia executives sent a boycott letter to the foreign press organization behind the Golden Globes. Their outrage was understandable. My article had cast a light on the ties between Warner and Black Lives Matter. No one had crawled harder and deeper into bed with the racist black nationalist hate group than the company that shared little more than a name with one of Hollywood’s signature studios whose name to most people still brings to mind everything from Bugs Bunny to Casablanca. The Warner brothers were conservatives while a typical billboard for HBO Max, Warner’s streaming effort to compete with Netflix, urges audiences to subscribe and tune in to an adaptation of Ta-Nehisi Coates's racist black nationalist tract “Between the World and Me”. “Between the World and Me” featured Coates describing the firefighters and police who risked thei

The Whiteness of Woke

“If You're Not Outraged, You're Not Paying Attention” the bumper stickers on a thousand SUVs in the upscale bedroom communities of dysfunctional cities read. “Deutschland Erwache,” the National Socialists used to shout in the streets of Munich. Woke compresses it all to one word. Wokeness means believing that politics is all there is to life. And nothing is whiter than that. Those minorities who form the backbone of the activists and voting blocs of identity politics don’t care about politics. Identity politics is politics to white wokes and identitarianism to minorities. Critical race theory is only a theory to white people. To everyone else, it’s tribal hatred. Political theories are abstractions. Tribal identity is very real. Wokeness is concerned with getting white people to buy into tribal identity as a political abstraction rather than a real force. White wokes turned race into the abstraction that is whiteness. What is whiteness? It’s unconscious cultural habits and ways

Kamala Went to Guatemala for Regime Change, Not Illegal Migration

In March, Joe Biden announced that Kamala Harris was going "to lead our efforts with Mexico and the Northern Triangle" to stem illegal "migration to our southern border". Why? According to Biden, "she’s the most qualified person to do it." This confused everyone including the White House, Kamala Harris, and even the media which spent the next few months clarifying exactly what her job was and how she was going to do it. Anonymous officials told CNN that afterward, "Harris' aides appeared to 'panic'". At their joint press conference, Kamala Harris dubiously claimed that "we can chew gum and walk at the same time". While Texas officials demanded that she visit the border, Kamala instead vowed to focus on diplomacy with the countries the migrants were coming from. Unlike President Trump, Biden was not going to secure the border. The border would be wide open and illegal aliens would be dispersed across the country. An agreement

Biden’s War on Jerusalem

A decade ago, Vice President Biden paid a visit to Jerusalem. Like any trip by an emissary of the Obama administration, it wasn’t a goodwill tour, but a combination of a provocation and a shakedown. While Biden was in Israel, two construction projects received partial approval in a multi-stage process from the City of Jerusalem. Biden responded by staying up in his hotel room and refusing to come down for an hour. When he did come down, he hugged Netanyahu and assured him, “Just remember that I am your best f____ friend here.” Biden’s definition of friendship is the backstabbing kind because after that he and the entire Obama administration began attacking Israel over a decision made by a local urban agency. "It was not only an insult to Biden, but an insult to the United States," Secretary of State Hillary Clinton ranted. Then she spent two hours yelling at Netanyahu over the phone. “I was often the ‘designated yeller,’” Hillary would later brag about her relationship with