The mental poison seeps in when we become obsessed with the secret organizations controlling it all. And when we do that, we become trapped without even knowing it, in a cycle of helplessness. The Republicans in the US took back power when they stopped obsessing with black helicopters and Clinton's body trail and focused on winning elections. We aren't losing because of the Vatican or the CFR or the Trilateral Commission, we're losing because we lack leadership, strategy and a message. We lack faith in both Hashem and man and so we compulsively spend our time going down wrong paths such as this.
1. Conspiracy Theories are for History's Losers - Go look at who the main market for conspiracy theories are and you'll see cultures and nations that are history's losers. The Arab world is filled with conspiracy theories explaining why everything that has gone wrong for them was the responsibility of the Freemasons and the Jews. Russia is filled with those same conspiracy theories. Go look at Neo-Nazis or the far right or the far left and you'll find the same theme, losers who want someone else to blame for their failures. Those who trade in conspiracy theories in the national religious camp are leading us down the same exact path, the path of failure and defeat. But at least we'll be able to blame CFR, the Trilateral Commission and the Illuminati for it.
2. Conspiracy Theories Teach You to do Nothing - Why are conspiracy theories the hallmark of losers? Because they teach inaction. Go read Jabotinsky and then go read a conspiracy theory book and see the difference. Genuine activists tell you to take action so you can change things, conspiracy theorists tell you that there's a vast conspiracy that poisons everything so you can't accomplish anything-- unless you buy their book.
Conspiracy theories are mental chewing gum, you chew them over and over again, your jaw works but no nutrition is actually reaching your body. Conspiracy theories fool you into thinking that you're doing something useful but all you're doing is rehashing and debating the conspiracy theories while lapsing into inaction, because conspiracy theories themselves teach you that the conspiracy is too powerful to do fight directly. The more conspiracy theories are reproduced, the more minds they poison by infecting them with fear and doubt that anything at all can be done. The infected recite new elaborations of the conspiracy theories to each other while Israel falls apart.
Go read a conspiracy theory book again and then read Jabotinsky and toss the conspiracy book in the fire where it belongs.
3. Conspiracism is a Cult - The conspiracist sets himself up as a guru dispensing "secret knowledge" of the conspiracy. Conspiracism is the Christian Gnostic heresy of an evil world controlled by evil powers which can only be resisted through gnosis or secret knowledge. This is the same idea behind virtually all conspiracy theories and the Gnostic roots of conspiracism is why so many conspiracies are obsessed with the Vatican, which stamped out the Gnostics.
Look around at the beliefs of many leading conspiracists and you find Gnostic religious beliefs. Faith in conspiracy theories is not just a political idea, it is a religious idea and inappropriate for Jews. Like all cult leaders, conspiracists create movements based around selling their products, cultivate groupies and convince those who follow them that only they know the truth.
Read the following and think about how it matches up with what you've seen--
"a gnostic attitude is apparent in the more eccentric political theorists. Even while opposing what they see as a secretive elite attempting to dominate humanity, they believe that this can only be done by understanding the conspiracy in the way that they understand it. As with the esoteric sects, salvation comes not by faith but by knowledge, and membership in a select group which is deemed superior to the mass of deluded and enslaved humanity."
--now think about the cultlike attitudes you've seen among these movements and realize that's because they really are cults. And those who promote conspiracy theories in the national religious camp are promoting a cult that is destroying minds and souls.
4. Conspiracy Theories are Anti-Semitic - The same conspiracy theories being backwashed through the national religious camp now originated as Catholic heresies which went underground and then got adopted by 19th century anti-semitic movements and they're foul to the core. Scratch the surface of them today and you quickly find rantings about the Rothschilds, Zionists and Kabbalah and the Talmud.
The best demonstration of that is the national camp's leading conspiracy theorist Barry Chamish who propounds that Jews were behind the Holocaust and 9/11, who has friendly ties with Neo-Nazis, blames Israel for Arab terrorist attacks and claims that Muslim terrorists might turn out to be our friends. The fact that such a man is welcomed and listened to, even after he called for those expelled from Gush Katif not to be given a cent, even while he speaks at Messianic "synagogues" and anti-semitic events, is alone a symptom of the rot in the national religious camp.
The fruit of a poisoned tree is still poison. Conspiracy theories are inherently hateful toward Jews and Judaism and even when that is disguised, the poison still rises to the surface. Conspiracism is a cult that opposes and replaces Judaism with its own beliefs and teaches hatred toward Judaism and Jews.
5. Conspiracy Theories Displace G-d - The Gnostic roots of conspiracy theories emerge from a worldview that believes that the G-d of the Torah is the Demiurge, an evil being who teaches lies that can only be undone by "secret knowledge".
Jews who embrace conspiracy theories are rejecting Emunah in Hashem, Faith in G-d and placing their belief instead in the "secret knowledge" propounded by the conspiracy cults. Where those who have faith in G-d are confident in His salvation, believers in conspiracy theories are constantly fearful and full of doubt for they have been taught that evil rules the world and they have imbibed a worldview shaped by men who believe that G-d himself is evil.
Where those who have faith in G-d confidently race forward to resist the enemy, those who place their faith in conspiracy theories live in a state of muddled doubt and inaction. Where those who have faith in G-d love their brothers, those who have faith in conspiracy theories are filled with paranoia and hatred, the poisoned stream fed to them that teaches them to distrust everyone around them. Where those who have faith in G-d work to build a better nation, those who have faith in conspiracy theories instead scream that we're all doomed.
Faith in G-d leaves no room for the Gnostic worldview of conspiracy theories, for its obsessions with the evils of Talmudism and Kabbalahism and for its hatred for Jews and G-d and for the apathy, defeatism and paranoia that it teaches. Conspiracy theories are poison. They poison the mind to weaken faith in G-d and man. Like all cults they teach a phony elitism and contempt for everyone else, even as the mind of the conspiracy theorist becomes enslaved by their phantasms and imagined terrors.
To save Israel, cast out the conspiracy theories and embrace faith in Hashem with realistic plans of action. Go back to the words of the sages and go back and read the words of those leaders like Jabotinsky and Rav Kook who struggled to build Israel. They alone should be your guides, not the paranoid ravings of men who care most of all about selling you their books and DVD's while teaching you hopelessness and despair.
Because there is indeed a conspiracy but it is no secret. It's called the Open Conspiracy and while conspiracy theorists chase shadows and legends, it does its work out in the open. H.G. Wells originated the idea of the Open Conspiracy and if you want to find out what it's doing, go read the New York Times or open the site of any major liberal think tank or foundation and you'll see the Open Conspiracy at work.
The Open Conspiracy has never been a secret, it's simply a belief in liberalizing society, defanging religion and morals, ending war, implementing world government and putting us on the road we've been on for some time. There is no vast coordinating organization controlling the Open Conspiracy, it doesn't need one. The Open Conspiracy is completely decentralized, it's a series of political and social beliefs held by millions of people and promoted by the media, academic and political and business elites. H.G. Wells didn't invent it, it was around before him and like the most devastating social movements, it doesn't need anyone to sit in a room and give orders, it advances because millions of people have believed in it and continue to believe in it.
The Open Conspiracy is all the more devastating because it is open. It has devastated Europe, America and Israel. We can call it liberalism or socialism or the nanny state and it is all of these things and more. The people who want you to focus on the Bilderbergers, the CFR, the Vatican and the Trilateral Commission are ignoring the far more devastating reality of the Open Conspiracy.
Our enemy is not a handful of men hunched over a table in a room in Zurich somewhere, it is an ideology, it is a way of thinking, it is a belief system. And it's the belief system that we have to fight in a war of ideas and will. Conspiracy theories undermine our will to fight. Conspiracy theories are a way to crawl into a corner, hide in caves and avoid the clash of civilizations and beliefs for control of our countries and the future.
Stands up and Applauds.
ReplyDeleteB"H "We have met the enemy, and they are us." I think you make some good points, especially regarding the issue of faith. Unfortunately, many of us (not you) are still unwilling to see the non-conspiracies standing in front of us:
ReplyDelete1) The Erev Rav wants to destroy us from within (I recommend Kol HaTor).
2) "Esau sone eth Ya'aqov" (HaZa"L)
3) Yishma'el is comprised of murderer, rapists and marauders. (anywhere in Tana"kh)
Western "let's just hold hands and talk about it" sensibilities and pluralism do not equal Torah sensibilities, and will be our downfall.
Many Jews (not you) would like us to depend on the U. S., as well, which also does not say much about their emunah.
Regarding the YeSh"A Council, for example, approaches such as undying, and unconditional loyalty to the government, and ahavath hinam toward evil people are open and publicized (thus not conspiracies). Whether certain mamlakhti "rabbis" are working for the Shabba"k or not, I cannot prove. It is no secret (and thus not a conspiracy) that the Shabba"k functions much like the Romulan Tal Shiar in Star Trek, "ensuring the loyalty of the people." I would not put it passed them to use any means necessary.
Great post!
ReplyDeleteCould you please elaborate further re: Facilitated Communication? What do you think of the concept and the message? More importantly is it a fraud? Is there truth to it? Are brain damaged individuals able to -- I don't want to use the term prophesize but I think that's what they think they're doing.
Makes a lot of sense. I listen to the persons that talk about these conspiracy theories. I also observe the Muslims. They have a fire within them that anyone can see. I have often thought, with the passion that these people have, if they could turn it into doing something really positive they could change the world for the better.
ReplyDeleteben yehudah,
ReplyDeleteit's a given that some of them pass on information to shabak, the real problem is the outwardly mamlachti rabbis who pass on information
the way it was done in the USSR, was to simply move blackmailable people into key positions
ReplyDeleteNevuah doesn't exist anymore and FC is basically an ouja board, which is itself the sort of thing pagan religions did and do. The messages are often nice, but the source is bad and those same messages can be honestly stated, without claiming that they're some kind of nevuah or ruach hakodesh. Legitimizing FC is legitimizing spirtualistic gimmickry and then they'd have to explain why when the xtians who began doing FC got messages from Jesus were wrong but they're "right"
yes nightghost, they have the passion but their whole mindset is wrong and warped, so it's directed toward destructive and self-destructive ends
ReplyDeletethe russians spent two centuries believing they were meant to save the world, but only succeeded in causing ruin and misery at home and abroad
one way to tell a healthy society from an unhealthy one is the freedom and welfare of its citizens
one way to tell a healthy society from an unhealthy one is the freedom and welfare of its citizens
ReplyDeleteOh really? America has freedom & its citizens are doing well, but is it a healthy society???
Your exchange with ben-yehudah sounds a lot like Chamish to me...
it's a given that some of them pass on information to shabak, the real problem is the outwardly mamlachti rabbis who pass on information
the way it was done in the USSR, was to simply move blackmailable people into key positions
I have not read this yet. I will read it later today. I think I see where you are going. I've got a couple of sites -- wherein we have some Chamish fans -- I will post this to, with the link.
ReplyDeleteDo you remember the piece by military historian J. R. Dunn, "Bush wrongly Blames America." (?) At Yad Vashem, Bush said we should have bombed Auschwitz. Your point was the remark is obscene in light of what he has done and continues to do to the Jews, even as he made the statement.
I wrote the editor, Thomas Lifson. I told him to forward my letter to the author, J. R. Dunn.
Dunn wrote me that accusations of anti-Semitism get me booted out of the discussion. This is what I wrote to Lifson about Mr. Dunn.
"Perhaps Mr. Dunn is unaware, American leaders, American military, etc,, simply did not care about, nor could they be bothered with the Jews (of Europe) by and large. I am inclined to believe Mr. Dunn might well fit in the very same category in terms of Israel's Jews, having read this piece."
This accords with what I am reading; Martin Gilbert, David S. Wyman, Joseph Bendersky, etc.
I guess this is an accusation of anti-Semitism? Maybe so.
yitz, talking about what a known domestic security agency does to gain information is not a conspiracy theory, it's simply procedure... no more so than talking about how the CIA extracts information from captured terrorists
ReplyDeletemore to the point mr. dunn doesn't care, hence his snide tone and attitude
ReplyDeleteFacilitated Communication? That sounds like spiritism, or does it refer to a New Age type of psychotherapy?
ReplyDeleteIMHO: Virtually all conspiracy theories at some point or another become intertwined with religion. For example, Christianity and JC is all based on a conspiracy.
They were so desperate to see him as their savior that the fact that he never did save them from anything, never did rebuild the temple etc. led them to taking the bible figuratively--the temple? He didn't rebuild it in three days? Frantic and grasping at straws they come up with the idea that his body was the temple and rose in three days. So where's the body? Spirit again, figurative again. More conspiracies and threats needed to keep searchers of the truth quiet.
And to keep the secret, societies of elect people and their "disciples" needed to be created.
So you have the Vatican as the sole keeper of the faith and truth that only they can interpret. You're right, conspiracists do promote the idea of secret knowledge.
Coincidence that for the longest time (and even today) Catholics were forbidden from reading the bible? Among some Catholics reading the bible remains somewhat of a taboo.
The Gnostics believe god is within. There's a famous phrase from the gnostic gospel of St. Thomas: "split a piece of wood and I am there."
In other words, tear down your churches and religous establments for god is everywhere, god is within.
Gnostics view religion something those less spiritually evolved need. Which of course reinforces the idea of an elect group of people who must lead the less spiritually evolved.
This often leads to the New Age belief that not only is god within man, but that man is god.
There's a scene in Shirley McClain's TV movie "Out on a Limb" in which she sits on the beach with her New Age guru. First he tells her to stand by the ocean and shout, "The Kingdom of heaven is within, I love myself."
Then he instructs her to say, "I and god are one." Then finally, "I am god."
Once you have people appointing themselves god they have no interest in serving the true G-d, Hashem. And once elevated to the position of gods on earth so-called spiritually evolved people become arrogant and self-agrandized and all the problems associated with that. The leader's paranoia and paranoid ideation becomes impossible to differentiate from prophecy.
People become wrapped up in every whim and paranoia of the conspiracist, willing to fight to the death to defend it--and themselves. Remember the panic of the RP supporters, in your previous post?
Truth is the biggest threat to their sense of self and they'll do anything to defend themselves from the truth.
Israel just needs to follow Hashem, recognize the actual dangers it faces (not the paranoia of conspiracy) and fight its enemies. All they need to do is look back at previous successful war strategies.
SK, I agree with you on both counts. I believe those "rabbis" in Russia were called "rabbanim mita'am," at least during the time of the Tsar.
ReplyDeletethe way it was done in the USSR, was to simply move blackmailable people into key positions HOW DO YOU KNOW THAT?
ReplyDeleteWhat naivete.
Look at Ehud Olmert - steeped in corruption but the media and justice system look away as long as he goes along with their anti-religious agenda. Sharon was the same. How in the hell did Haim Ramon survive when Moshe Katsav couldn't? They are similar to Judenrat traitors willing to sell their brothers and sisters for the promise of ... you name it. So why is it so hard to believe someone can grow peyos, put on a kippah and move to the territories for Shabak?
and we know they can and do
this is basic domestic security agency stuff, it goes on in the US too
there are people who sort of drift around, get picked up by two nice men, particularly if they get in trouble with the law and are encouraged to spend time around 'persons of interests' and get a stipend for it
for some it turns into a full time career
on the upper level, it often begins when people who hold positions as rabbis or professors, etc.. are encouraged to pass on information to the security agency
ReplyDeleteat first it's an innocuous conversation that goes something like
"We're not here to persecute people for their opinions, but in the wake of Rabin's assassination we know you want to do your part to help avoid such a tragedy happening again and blackening the face of the national camp. I voted for XXXXXX myself and I'm only doing my job and we just want you to give us the names of anyone who makes threats against political leaders"
and it goes from there and a few years later, the pigeon has been led on the way to rationalizing all sorts of betrayals, all in the name of helping the national camp "clean up its image" and avoid another Yigal Amir
5 years later the dedicated gentleman who just began cooperating with shabak is on the ballot for kadima maintaining the hollow sham of being religious and a settler
...and so it goes
Facilitated communication is using a medium to communicate with the so-called 'spirit world'.
ReplyDeleteThe person is also called a Communication medium.
It is like using a Ouija board or a dowsing rod etc. Sometimes the children scream or roll about in fits.It is the person guiding the hand who makes up the message himself.
Use of mediums, as Shaul did, is specifically forbidden in Torah.
They 'use' people to draw or write or speak messages from "god" or spirits (sitra acra more likely). It is witchcraft and sorcery.
The person will pick up a pen and with someone guiding his hand begin to write or type messages from the 'great beyond'. In other forms they speak while in an ecstacy,etc.
The Oracle at Delphi did such things. Mediums like this were common in pagan Babylon, Greece, Egypt and all of the nations Israel is not to emulate.
It is entirely pagan in origin and has nothing whatever to do with G-d.
“When you come into the land which the Eternal your G-d is giving you, you shall not learn to follow the abominations of those nations. There shall not be found among you anyone who makes his son or his daughter pass through the fire {Moloch worship], or one who practices witchcraft, or a soothsayer, or one who interprets omens, or a sorcerer, or one who conjures spells, or a medium, or a spiritist, or one who calls up the dead. For all who do these things are an abomination to the Hashem…”
-Deuteronomy 18:9-12
Isaiah 47 "Stand now with your enchantments and the multitude of your sorceries, in which you have labored from your youth; perhaps you will be able to profit, perhaps you will prevail. You are wearied in the multitude of your counsels; let now the astrologers, the stargazers, and the monthly prognosticators stand up and save you from what shall come upon you. Behold, they shall be as stubble, the fire shall burn them; they shall not deliver themselves from the power of the flame; it shall not be a coal to be warmed by, nor a fire to sit before! Thus shall they be to you with whom you have labored, your merchants from your youth; they shall wander each one to his quarter. No one shall save you."
Leviticus 20:6 "I will set my face against the person who turns to mediums and spiritists to prostitute himself by following them, and I will cut him off from his people."
2 Kings 21:6 "(Ahav) sacrificed his own son in the fire, practiced sorcery and divination, and consulted mediums and spiritists. He did much evil in the eyes of Hashem, provoking him to anger."
This is sinful in the extreme and those who do it are very far from G-d. They are false prophets and very dangerous to Bnei Israel.
Facilitated communication is using a medium to communicate with the so-called 'spirit world'.
ReplyDeleteThe person is also called a Communication medium.
It is like using a Ouija board or a dowsing rod etc. Sometimes the children scream or roll about in fits.It is the person guiding the hand who makes up the message himself.
Use of mediums, as Shaul did, is specifically forbidden in Torah.
They 'use' people to draw or write or speak messages from "god" or spirits (sitra acra more likely). It is witchcraft and sorcery.
The person will pick up a pen and with someone guiding his hand begin to write or type messages from the 'great beyond'. In other forms they speak while in an ecstacy,etc.
The Oracle at Delphi did such things. Mediums like this were common in pagan Babylon, Greece, Egypt and all of the nations Israel is not to emulate.
It is entirely pagan in origin and has nothing whatever to do with G-d.
“When you come into the land which the Eternal your G-d is giving you, you shall not learn to follow the abominations of those nations. There shall not be found among you anyone who makes his son or his daughter pass through the fire {Moloch worship], or one who practices witchcraft, or a soothsayer, or one who interprets omens, or a sorcerer, or one who conjures spells, or a medium, or a spiritist, or one who calls up the dead. For all who do these things are an abomination to the Hashem…”
-Deuteronomy 18:9-12
Isaiah 47 "Stand now with your enchantments and the multitude of your sorceries, in which you have labored from your youth; perhaps you will be able to profit, perhaps you will prevail. You are wearied in the multitude of your counsels; let now the astrologers, the stargazers, and the monthly prognosticators stand up and save you from what shall come upon you. Behold, they shall be as stubble, the fire shall burn them; they shall not deliver themselves from the power of the flame; it shall not be a coal to be warmed by, nor a fire to sit before! Thus shall they be to you with whom you have labored, your merchants from your youth; they shall wander each one to his quarter. No one shall save you."
Leviticus 20:6 "I will set my face against the person who turns to mediums and spiritists to prostitute himself by following them, and I will cut him off from his people."
2 Kings 21:6 "(Ahav) sacrificed his own son in the fire, practiced sorcery and divination, and consulted mediums and spiritists. He did much evil in the eyes of Hashem, provoking him to anger."
This is sinful in the extreme and those who do it are very far from G-d. They are false prophets and very dangerous to Bnei Israel.
Jumping to so many conclusions in this article. This blog post is practically a "conspiracy theory" of its own because it makes sweeping generalizations and doesn't back them up with evidence or fact. To the credit of the "religious national camp" that might believe in some prevalent "conspiracy theories" out there, these theories actually do have basis in fact. When you can refute Rabbi Antelman or prove that the CFR isn't a pro-PLO establishment bent on the creation of a PLO terrorist state and destruction of Israel, I am all ears. But until then, the evidence suggests YOU are wrong.
ReplyDeleteDoes it really require Barry Chamish for one to understand the Shabak's treachery? Rabin's govt ADMITTED that it hired Avishai Raviv under Rabin's orders to provoke and incite Yigal Amir to kill Rabin. Why does it take Barry Chamish to know what the Israeli govt openly admitted? Does it require a Barry Chamish "theory" to know why Kahane Chai was formed to replace Kach? It was due to Shabak infiltration. This is open knowledge. This is not invoking the dead or talking to spirits. This is right in front of our faces. Judaism does not require us to be morons.
ReplyDeleteanonymous, you're confusing the actions of shabak with conspiracy theories. the actions of shabak are not a conspiracy or a theory, they are plain fact and out there. as for the various kach groups, they're all shabak infiltrated, moving people around just creates new egos and fights.
ReplyDeletethe CFR is pro-plo, so is the media and so are most academic and political organizations, groups and think tanks
does the CFR itself control anything, let alone dictate global policy? the answer is, no. Its members are in some cases influential, but they're not acting on orders from on high, for the most part they believe that creating a palestinian state will solve political and terrorist problems and they are far from alone in believing that
TY Lemon. I had a feeling it facilitated communication had something to do with mediumship and all that evil occult stuff forbidden in Deut. 18 and elsewhere in the bible.
ReplyDeleteFacilitated Communication --Trying to scare Jews into doing T'shuva?
Anonymous said...refute Rabbi Antelman or prove that the CFR isn't a pro-PLO establishment bent on the creation of a PLO terrorist state and destruction of Israel, I am all ears. But until then, the evidence suggests YOU are wrong.">>>
ReplyDeleteWho is Rabbi Antelman?
I think you may be on to something even so. Dan Pipes is indeed CFR extraordinaire. Dan Pipes may have orchestrated the Rabin assassination. He and Haifa University, Professor Steven Plaut were behind the murder? Do you think?
Perhaps this why these two potential world rulers are saying terrible things about Barry Chamish?
Dan Pipes has long sought to rule the world. This is why he is a member of the CFR. Maybe Pipes is a secret Sabbatean and a secret practicing Catholic; perhaps Pipes belongs to the Illuminati Anonymous? Both he and Professor Plaut? Could they both be secret Jesuits, working for the Vatican?
When Sultan speaks of action and faith in HaShem over conspiracy theory, could he possibly be exposing his own secret associations Sabbateans as well Anonymous? Does Sultan belong to the CFR?
well I have been known to give secret hand signs and have millions in unmarked Brazilian accounts
ReplyDeleteof course every Tuesday I head up to fifth avenue and descend into an unmarked basement where we all kill a goat while reading verses from the Necromicon
I would however like to emphasize that while I'm secretly ruling the world, I will continue to think fondly of all of us
I like to stare at fairy twinkle lights on trees until my toes begin to curl. I find it relaxing and it helps to clear my mind so that I can see what others cannot, like the true conspiracies you reject Sultan Knish.
ReplyDeleteI spent many years as an acolyte in a monestary so I know about meditation and conspiracy more than you do. You think you know it all but you do not . The spirits have told me so. I hear them a lot lately since meditating on the lights while reading your blog.
The mother ship is circling your male commenters Sultan.
ReplyDeleteOh, people of little faith:
ReplyDelete"The great gaon, HaRav Aharon Leib Steinman has personally told me that he regrds this new form of communication with the mentally disabled as a manifestation of profuse Divine compassionmeant to arouse the slumbering who, due to the vanities of our time, have forgotten the truth, and their entire lives immerse themselves in empty and futile pursuits. He also regards it as a means for strengthening bnei Torah in all those areas which require strengthening in our time.
Their words of mussar are like searing flames of fire, which greatly arouse all those who esamine them. Therefore it is begitting to disseminate and publicize them."
From the book Secrets of the Soul about SOME of these special children.
Daniel from dani18.com is a pure temimis neshoma who only wants that all yidden connect with Hashem. No one who listens to the messages of Daniel or Binyomin could ever come to some of the conclusions you banter about in this post.
FC is a pagan practice. Hashem in the Torah clearly states how he speaks to us. Any Nevuah that does not come from a recognized Navi is an abomination, even if its message is good because the medium itself is bad.
ReplyDeleteTrue faith means sticking to Hashem and his Torah, rather than treating disabled children like Ouja boards. Again the Torah has explicit things to say on the subject of divination and pagan practices of knowing the future.
There was a time when far greater gedolim defended astrology. Rav Yaakov Emden took on a far greater Gadol over amulets. A pagan practice does not become compatible with Torah and Hashem's ways, just because a Rav somewhere endorses it.
You talk about Mussar and Faith. Real faith means believing in Hashem and not trying to shortcut that by pagan processes as Shaul did. Real Mussar means repairing your ways, not perpetuating the same crimes for which we have been punished over and over again.
Oh blind leading the blind,
ReplyDeleteI don't much care if its Gavriel and Michael themselves if its leading Israel astray its sin.
I know that probably no one will see this comment, but I hope that you at least will read it.
ReplyDeleteHere is Coronado Naval base where the US Navy Seals train.
In case you want to view it, the coordinates are
32°40′32″N 117°09′38″W
Just copy and paste the above into google maps then zoom in a bit.
Now tell me with a straight face that there isn't some extremely nasty shit brewing in the US.
I don't know what's going on, but something obviously stinks. Burying our heads in the sand because we're afraid of the "conspiracy theorist" label is probably going to work as well for us as denial about the Nazi genocide did in 1942.
The problem with most, if not all conspiracy theories is that they confuse speculation with facts.
But when speculation is coupled with perspective and a realistic assessment of the facts on which the speculation is based, then it has it's place in any analysis.
I see this mistake all the time. On the one hand people will take a conspiracy theorist like Barry Chamish as though he is speaking prophecy, on the other as though he is simply a fool. He's neither. He's a legitimate voice who's assessments and facts have to be taken with a grain of salt and slow deliberate judgement.
I listen to as many of the conspiracy theories as I can, I have heard some extreme things. I don't accept any of it, for the simple reason that I cannot accept a thing until I have facts to back it up. But at the same time, I keep my mind open to possibilities, to the grain of truth hidden in most of the shit that I end up reading.
Are there space aliens controlling the freemasons? Damned if I know one way or the other, my inclination is to say "probably not." Does that mean that it's impossible? Or course it's possible. What's crazier, a space alien conspiracy or the united states having a military base in the shape of a swastika? Clearly the latter.
My objection is not to your ass kicking conspiracy nuts for running away with their lazy thinking and blind acceptance of nutty ideas. I object to your closing off the mind to the possibility of a thing being true.
That is very dangerous for a Jew.
The most ironic and bitter thing about the image I showed you is that when I show it to an American, I get one of two reactions, either total denial (Most common, and it's pathetic the kind of excuses people try to come up with.) or incredulous laughter followed immediately after by terrible screaming rage (rare).
When I show it to an Israeli, I get immediate acceptance followed by a shrug and something to the effect of "Of course."
Also, I noticed your comment on Facilitated Communication.
ReplyDeleteIn general I agree with you. However, to prohibit or include something under a prohibition is not a thing I am quick to do.
One of the worst crimes of government and the populace in a democracy is to rush to create prohibitions and laws. To prohibit a thing is to say that we will use force and oppression to stop that thing. "Force" meaning physical force, by "oppression" I mean forms of coercion such as shaming tactics, ridicule, degradation, basically forms of emotional and economic pain to discourage a practice.
It is not a light matter to cause pain to another human being even with the noblest of intentions. To add laws means we must obey them AND face the consequences that there are those who CANNOT or WILL NOT obey those laws.
This was Eve's big mistake. As you know, by innocently adding a prohibition that did not exist she set the road for the destruction of humanity.
If FC only had the ability to enable neurologically challenged people to communicate with their family members as well as the rest of their brethren, then I doubt anyone would challenge it.
I can also accept the practice as an expression of Heaven's will, in the same way that the words of any innocent and sincere man should be taken seriously. As I would taken any material which speaks to my conscience seriously, nearly regardless of the source.
However, as an expression of prophecy or much worse, as a source of command and instruction? Impossible. Especially in this case where there is simply too much room for manipulation and fakery. Not to mention the real possibility of spiritual deception, which we have had far too much bitter experience from. (See the false prophecy that got Ahab killed.)
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