There are more Iraqis living in the United States than there are in some major cities in Iraq. 156,000 Iraqi refugees have entered this country in just the last decade. 30,000 of those have ended up in California. In Obama’s first year in office, the United States resettled three-quarters of Iraqi refugees. 71% of Iraqi refugees are receiving cash assistance. 82% are on Medicaid and 87% are on food stamps. Compare those atrocious numbers to only 17% of Cubans on cash assistance and 16% on Medicaid. It should be obvious why Obama shut the door on Cuban refugees while holding it wide open for Syrian Muslims (but closing it tightly on Syrian Christians), Iraqis and Somalis (77.4% food stamp use). President Trump’s migration pause was met with lectures about how much immigrants contribute to the economy. But the immigrants that the left likes are a drain. If the left finds immigrants who actually contribute to the economy, it fights tooth and nail to keep them out of the country.
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Showing posts from February, 2017
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Savages of Stockholm
Europe has many fine traditions. Its newest tradition is the burning car. Why burn cars? Because, as George Mallory once said of mountains, they're there. There are lots of cars around and if you're a member of a perpetually unemployed tribe that wandered up north and forages on social services, you might as well do something to pass the time. Burning houses is a lot of work and house fires spread. Car fires are simpler. In a welfare state everyone has houses but not everyone has cars. Burning cars is a way to stick it to those who work for a living. It's also a way to drive off the members of the sickly Swedish tribe and claim the area for your own. And it's also fun. Either you have a plan for buying a car or for burning a car. Considering the Muslim unemployment rates in Sweden, France and everywhere else, it's safe to say the car burners don't have future plans that involve saving up for a car or taking out a loan for a car or finding work. Cars are thi
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The End of Palestine
Palestine is many things. A Roman name and a Cold War lie. Mostly it’s a justification for killing Jews. Palestine was an old Saudi-Soviet scam which invented a fake nationality for the Arab clans who had invaded and colonized Israel. This big lie transformed the leftist and Islamist terrorists run by them into the liberators of an imaginary nation. Suddenly the efforts of the Muslim bloc and the Soviet bloc to destroy the Jewish State became an undertaking of sympathetically murderous underdogs. But the Palestine lie is past its sell by date. What we think of as “Palestinian” terrorism was a low-level conflict pursued by the Arab Socialist states in between their invasions of Israel. After several lost wars, the terrorism was all that remained. Egypt, Syria and the USSR threw in the towel on actually destroying Israel with tanks and jets, but funding terrorism was cheap and low-risk. And the rewards were disproportionate to the cost. For less than the price of a single jet fi
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The Elites are Revolting
The revolution will not be brought to you by Xerox. It will be brought to you by BMW. The German luxury automaker is a key advertiser at GQ. And GQ is the headquarters of the Resistance. That's a vlog by Keith Olbermann who returned from his exile at an ESPN Elba to denounce Trump. "I am Keith Olbermann," Keith Olbermann barks to the peasants and workers of GQ who are taking a break from reading an article on '$100 Cologne that Smells Like Nothing', "This is the Resistance." When the underground isn't at GQ (The Most Radical Dress Socks to Wear Right Now), it's at Vanity Fair where Graydon Carter denounces Trump (Donald Trump: A Pillar of Ignorance and Certitude) right above a photo of himself taken by Annie Leibovitz smiling smugly from his skyscraper office. Maybe the resistance is Reed Hastings, the billionaire CEO of Netflix, who used his wealth catering to the tastes of urban elites, to lobby to raise the taxes of the middle class. Has
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If We Don't Let in Muslims to America, They'll Kill Us
Trump's executive order is "going to get Americans killed," Senator Murphy declared. The Connecticut Democrat was joining a chorus of the clueless warning us that if we don’t let Muslims into America, they’ll join ISIS and kill us. Singing their brains out in the same stupid chorus were Senator McCain and Senator Graham (“a self-inflicted wound in the fight against terrorism”), Senator Ben Sasse (“the terrorist recruiters win by telling kids that America is banning Muslims”) and Senator Heitkamp (“confirms the lie terrorists tell their recruits: that America is waging a war on Islam.”) Senator Cardin went one better by whining that keeping potential Islamic terrorists out, “promises to make the U.S. less safe and places our courageous servicemen and women in even greater danger as they fight against terrorism.” Just tell it to the Marines shot and killed by a Muslim immigrant at a Chattanooga recruiting station and Naval reserve center. There’s only one problem
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The Right to be Better People
The interesting thing about this moment from last night's Cruz vs. Sanders debate is that in this exchange both men are very articulate spokesmen for two different worldviews. Cruz once called Sanders an honest Socialist. And unlike the Romney vs. Obama or Trump vs. Hillary debates, you are seeing something fairly close to "honest Socialism" here. Ted Cruz defines what a right is. A right is the freedom to make decisions for yourself. Bernie Sanders ridicules that. You can make decisions for yourself, but what good does that do you if the government doesn't give you the things you need and you can't afford to pay for them. Sanders says that rights are entitlements. Cruz argues that they are freedoms. And that is what the debate comes down to. Freedom or entitlement. And the tricky border where we try to combine the two. But that is what our government does. The Sanders position is easy. Obamacare doesn't go far enough. The government ought to giv
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The Left's Persecution of Real Refugees from Islam and Communism
The President of the United States announced that refugees fleeing persecution by a totalitarian regime would be deported. It did not matter that they had risked their lives to come here. They would be sent back. No leftist lawyers crammed airports. No protesters chanted at terminals. No celebrities offered sanctimonious lectures about “who we are”. No one dared to call the lying thug behind it un-American. Because his last name was Obama and the refugees were Cubans fleeing socialism. Their arrival irritated the leftists gleefully going on tours of Havana while worrying that capitalism would ruin all the poverty, misery and oppression they were showing off on their Instagram pages. The same leftists howling over Trump’s refugee pause from Muslim countries cheered loudly for Obama’s Cuban refugee ban. A majority of Cuban Americans had voted for Trump. So the left wanted to keep them out of America. The media outlets selling sniveling sob stories of Muslim families chee
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A Clash of Civilizations in Colorado
A crisis came to Longmont, Colorado. And for once it wasn't snow falling from the sky. Instead top Longmont officials appeared less worried about the piles of snow that blocked off roads and closed schools than a politically incorrect octogenarian as they converged on the home of an 83-year-old man to demand that he take down a yard sign critical of Islam and Muslim immigration. "Muslims kill Muslims if they don't agree. Where does that leave you, 'infidel,'" the sign asked. A story ran in the local paper. The Denver Post took note. The Associated Press headlined this vital story as, “Longmont man refuses to take down anti-Muslim sign”. The refusal of an 83-year-old man to recant his politically incorrect, but factually correct, statement on Islam had become a national crisis. Some of the coverage contained information about the location of an elderly man standing up to Islamic terrorists. But there was no objection to putting his life in danger becaus
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