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Netanyahu Defends America Before Congress

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu had come to D.C. to defend Israel’s war against Islamic terrorists, instead he ended up defending America in a city and Congress overrun with them. Marxist and Jihadist mobs prowled the streets of D.C., tearing down and burning American flags, and putting up the terrorist flags of the PLO in their place. Hamas supporters openly waved the green flag of the Muslim Brotherhood terrorist organization and even the black ‘battle flag’ used by ISIS and other Jihadists made an appearance in the capital of the United States. The Columbus fountain outside Union Station was vandalized with the red triangles supporting Islamic terrorist attacks and “Hamas is Coming”. “Long live the intifada” was scrawled on the Freedom Bell. A courageous lone individual rushed to save an American flag being burned by a mob shouting “Allahu Akbar” which quickly gave chase. The Capitol Police, formerly so beloved by Democrats and media, battled more of the red-shirted radical t


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Netanyahu Defends America Before Congress

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu had come to D.C. to defend Israel’s war against Islamic terrorists, instead he ended up defending America in a city and Congress overrun with them. Marxist and Jihadist mobs prowled the streets of D.C., tearing down and burning American flags, and putting up the terrorist flags of the PLO in their place. Hamas supporters openly waved the green flag of the Muslim Brotherhood terrorist organization and even the black ‘battle flag’ used by ISIS and other Jihadists made an appearance in the capital of the United States. The Columbus fountain outside Union Station was vandalized with the red triangles supporting Islamic terrorist attacks and “Hamas is Coming”. “Long live the intifada” was scrawled on the Freedom Bell. A courageous lone individual rushed to save an American flag being burned by a mob shouting “Allahu Akbar” which quickly gave chase. The Capitol Police, formerly so beloved by Democrats and media, battled more of the red-shirted radical t

Iran is Funding the Pro-Hamas Protests

Who is funding the pro-Hamas riots in major cities? The state sponsors of Hamas in Tehran. After failing to mention it in previous briefings, Director of National Intelligence Avril Haines finally issued a press release admitting that “Iranian government actors have sought to opportunistically take advantage of ongoing protests regarding the war in Gaza” by “posing as activists online, seeking to encourage protests, and even providing financial support to protesters.” Haines, a veteran of the Obama and Biden administrations, then went out of her way to defend participants in the pro-Hamas movement even though they are working with America’s enemies. “I know Americans who participate in protests are, in good faith, expressing their views on the conflict in Gaza,” she argued. “Americans who are being targeted by this Iranian campaign may not be aware that they are interacting with or receiving support from a foreign government.” That problem could be easily addressed if Haines revealed

Mostly Peaceful Assassinations

The attempted assassination of President Trump was on the right side of history. The inch that spared his life was on the wrong side of history. Leftists see history as a series of confrontations between progressive and reactionary forces. The escalation of those confrontations from political protests “dissent is patriotic” to violent riots “the language of the unheard” to terrorism “the last desperate struggle of outraged and exasperated human nature” is blamed on the failure of society to become sufficiently socialist. The right side of history arrives when society, and all conservative and reactionary forces, is overthrown. Assassinating a president, especially a reactionary one, is a means to that end. Over the last 9 years, liberals had pursued every possible legal and illegal means from secret investigations to lawfare to street violence to prosecution on invented grounds to stop Trump. Are we supposed to believe that the same political interests that defended the violent BLM rio

Biden Unfit to be Candidate, Fit to be President

After a few weeks of media hit pieces, donor pressure and calls by party leaders, Joe Biden did what Donald J Trump refused to do in 2016 or 2024, and announced that he was dropping out of the campaign to focus on “fulfilling my duties as President for the remainder of my term.” Democrats and their media had spent months making the case that Biden was unfit to be a presidential candidate on account of his mental state. Members of Congress, celebrities and party insiders described him as being unable to function in even the most basic ways. Now they will argue that a man in that condition is unfit to campaign, but fit to run the country. By pressuring Biden to resign from the campaign, but not the presidency, Democrats have officially put ‘party ahead of country’. They have made it clear that they have no problem with an unfit president, only an unfit candidate, and even then only when that candidate’s unfitness becomes public knowledge and puts them at risk of losing a presidential ele

The DEI Secret Service

“The strength of our organization,” Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle argued in the 2023 report, lay in, among other things, “seeking out the boundless benefits of diversity.” The Secret Service offers “leadership training on how best to support LGBTQ+ employees” and “training on unconscious bias” which is the idea that all white people are innately racist, and tries to guide more “more inclusive decisions” while “increasing empathy” for minorities. Special Agents in Charge are tasked with DEI which distracts from their core duties, but diversity and its boundless benefits was not why the Secret Service existed. The Left was. “Anarchy is a crime against the whole human race; and all mankind should band against the anarchist,” President Theodore Roosevelt had warned in his annual message to Congress. Several months earlier, a leftist anarchist had murdered President McKinley. Roosevelt, always a man of action, headed out by boat, train and wagon, to the scene, took the oath of of

Was Covering Up Biden’s Condition a Quarter Billion Dollar Fraud?

“Last month I co-hosted the single largest fund-raiser supporting any Democratic candidate ever, for President Biden’s re-election,” former ER actor George Clooney revealed in a New York Times op-ed calling for him to drop out. “It’s devastating to say it, but the Joe Biden I was with three weeks ago at the fund-raiser was not the Joe ‘big F-ing deal’ Biden of 2010. He wasn’t even the Joe Biden of 2020. He was the same man we all witnessed at the debate.” At the fundraiser, George Clooney called Biden a star instead of telling the truth about him. Did the movie star reveal his misgivings to any of those who contributed $30 million at the fundraiser? Or to those in his circle of acquaintances who would go on to attend other $2,500 a plate fundraisers for Biden in the Los Angeles area? Or did he keep quiet until now? According to Clooney, who also got Obama to sign off on his attack, “this isn’t only my opinion; this is the opinion of every senator and Congress member and governor who I’

Trump’s Raised Fist

What Trump always knew and what so many in his party did not was crystallized in fire and blood on a July evening forty miles outside Pittsburgh. After the shooting, FBI agents, reporters, and a million social media voices descended physically and virtually on the Butler Farm Show Grounds in search of answers. The shooter’s pictures and phone have been pored over, CNN talking heads have analyzed the impact on the election and scrutinized the performance of the former and likely future president’s security detail. And while these things matter, they are not the thing that truly matters. When Trump rode down the escalator on another summer day nine years ago, he was riding into history and into danger. He did not see the bullet coming, but he did see the crisis. The journey that took him from Trump Tower on Manhattan’s Fifth Avenue to a Pennsylvania field where livestock usually march around in pens was aimed at confronting the threat to the country. What Trump understood, and so many d

The Brainwashing of a Nation

Brainwashing isn’t a secretive event that takes place in hidden rooms. No hypnotists or vials full of chemicals are required. It takes place every day on a massive scale across the United States. Unlike Raymond Shaw in The Manchurian Candidate, brainwashing does not turn people into hypnotized zombies who would be ready to kill a presidential candidate at a command. Instead, it transforms them into the sort of people who would be willing to kill someone for political reasons. The distinction is why so few people understand the sources of political radicalism and violence. Brainwashing isn’t magic, but it can look like magic. The sleight of hand that causes us to think so is our firm belief in our reason and free will. It’s easier to believe in changing minds through hypnotism and drugs, than to understand, what the successful practitioners of brainwashing do, that the human mind is more malleable than we like to think, and that the subconscious is more powerful than the conscious. The

Anger Privilege

If you want to know who has privilege in a society and who doesn’t, follow the anger. There are people in this country who can safely express their anger. And those who can’t. If you were angry that Trump won, your anger was socially acceptable. If you were angry that Biden took over, it wasn’t. Not all anger is created equal. Some anger is privileged rage. Good anger gets you a gig as a CNN commentator. Bad anger gets you hounded out of your job. Good anger isn’t described as anger at all. Instead it’s whitewashed as “passionate” or “courageous”. Bad anger however is “worrying” or “dangerous”. Angry left-wing protesters “call out”, angry right-wing protesters “threaten”. Good anger is left-wing. Bad anger is right-wing. Socially acceptable displays of anger, from Occupy Wall Street to Black Lives Matter riots to the anti-Trump marches to the furious campus protests, are invariably left-wing. Not all anger is created equal. Anger, like everything else, is ideologically coded. Left-wing

Environmentalists Killed Logging to Protect Owls. Now They Want to Kill the Owls.

Thirty-five years after “save a logger, eat an owl” could be seen across the Pacific Northwest, the government environmentalists at US Fish and Wildlife want to kill half a million owls…to save the owls. In a world of transgender surgeries, terrorist cryptocurrencies, and senile presidents, the Owl Wars that entered the 1990 presidential election seem implausible. But they cost tens of thousands of jobs, wiped out sizable amounts of the logging industry in the Pacific Northwest, and helped solidify Oregon and Washington as hipster strongholds no Republican could win. It all started with listing the spotted owls as an endangered species. The northern spotted owls (which to non-owl fanciers look like most other owls except smaller) were listed as endangered by that noted scientist, Judge William L. Dwyer, who apart from destroying logging also helped create the Seattle Mariners which placed two crimes against humanity on his checkered soul. But Dwyer was doing the bidding of the anti-in

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